Full Moon Yin Yoga and Tibetan Bowls: Resonate with Stillness
Please register in advance, a Zoom link and passcode will be provided via confirmation email.
Yin Yoga benefits connective tissue because postures are held, creating stillness in the mind, body, and spirit. That stillness can allow vibrations, energy, and prana (life force) to resonate within. During this workshop the healing vibrations of the Tibetan singing bowls will allow you to explore the powerful effects of Yin Yoga. Together we will create a space where the body, mind, and spirit are renewed and revitalized. Includes Yoga: All Levels
This is an online workshop. You’ll need to download Zoom to attend.
Jayadevi, E-RYT 500, is an Integral Yoga teacher with certifications in Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Therapeutic Yoga, Accessible Yoga, and Meditation. As a classically trained dancer, she discovered the restorative powers of Yoga while recovering from an injury that ultimately shifted the course of her life. Inspired to share this gift with others, Jayadevi has remained devoted to the practice of Yoga and applies her experience in dance and movement therapy to all her classes. In addition to teaching Yoga, Jayadevi offers guidance in holistic healing by merging her passion for herbalism and aromatherapy with her diverse background in psychology, human development, and East Asian studies.
Reverend Laksmi Scalise, IYM, RYT 500, is an Integral Yoga minister and teaches Intermediate and Advanced Hatha Yoga. In 1977 she began studying under Swami Bua Maharaj, whose students she taught whenever he traveled. She studies with Grand Gong Master Don Conreaux and is one of his senior teachers. She is also a Reiki master teacher, dowser, and astrologer. Using pendulums, crystals, and sound mantras, Laksmi performs shamanic chakra balancing and sound healing through the Integral Yoga Wellness Spa.