The Meaning of the Yantra

“Truth is one, paths are many”

Integral Yoga is a complete Yoga, and the Integral Yoga yantra is also complete. It is a representation of the entire cosmos.

Sometimes external images are used in meditation or worship to symbolize or express certain Divine ideas and qualities. When mantras (sound formulas used in meditation) or Divine ideas are meditated upon, certain images are brought out. A yantra is a physical expression of a mantra, which is a Divine aspect in the form of sound vibration. The yantra represents the Divine in the form of a geometrical figure.

The Integral Yoga yantra symbolizes the entire creation. Each part of the yantra corresponds to a different aspect of the cosmos. The bindhu, the dot in the very center of the yantra, represents the first physical expression, the very core of the cosmos. It is that dot which then expresses kalaa. Kalaa means the different aspects or, literally, the different rays of the different arts.

The outer petals represent the major faiths, the lesser known faiths, and even unknown faiths—all of which have evolved from the same source, the cosmic consciousness. Thus, all faiths are founded on the same essential truths.


Hinduism “In the effulgent lotus of the heart dwells Brahma, the Light of Lights” — Mundaka Upanishad

Judaism “The Lord is my Light; whom shall I fear?” — Psalms

Shinto “The Light of Divine Amaterasu shines forever” — Kurozumi Munetada

Taoism “Following the Light, the sage takes care of all” — Lao-tzu

Buddhism “The radiance of Buddha shines ceaselessly” — Dhammapada

Christianity “I have come into the world as Light” — The Bible

Islam “Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth” — The Koran

Sikhism “God, being Truth, is the one Light of all”— Adi Granth

African Faiths “God is the sun beaming Light everywhere” — Tribal African

Native American Faiths “The Light of Wakan-Tanka is upon my people” — Song of Kablaya

Other Known Faiths “Truth is one, paths are many” — Song of Kablaya

Faiths Still Unknown


LOTUS, Buckingham,VA

Interfaith Program

One of the central teachings of Yoga is beautifully expressed by our founder, Sri Swami Satchidananda, in the statement, “Truth is one, paths are many.” We believe that all the world’s faiths are equally valid paths to the same Spirit that dwells within all of creation.

Our interfaith programs are offered to underline this truth and celebrate both the unity and diversity of all spiritual paths. We periodically invite teachers and ministers of different faiths to share with us from their traditions, and occasionally perform interfaith worship services with representatives from numerous paths coming together to experience the Light we all share.

Great suffering and many acts of violence have occurred due to the ways peoples separate themselves in the name of race and religion. We believe it is crucial now to develop a universal vision and learn to understand each other, so that we can live together in peace.

Sri Swamiji shared his vision for this important work, commenting, “If there is only one kind of flower in the garden, it is no longer a garden. Should the flowers fight about their colors, their scents, their shapes, and forms? Should they hate each other for their differences? God created all this variety for us to enjoy and for this beauty to enrich our lives.

Our aim should be to understand the unity and enjoy the variety. You can be loyal to your parents, your religion, your country, and at the same time you can love and respect another person’s allegiances. We can love our own faith and respect the other person’s faith as well.”

LOTUS, Buckingham, VA

Sri Swamiji acted on this conviction by building the Light of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS), a unique temple dedicated to interfaith understanding and the Light within all faiths. Individual altars represent and honor the different world religions. The vision, design and inspiration of Sri Swami Satchidananda, the LOTUS was dedicated in 1986. In the peaceful countryside of Virginia, the doors of the LOTUS are open to welcome people of all faiths.

One of the central teachings of Yoga is beautifully expressed by our founder, Sri Swami Satchidananda, in the statement, “Truth is one, paths are many.” We believe that all the world’s faiths are equally valid paths to the same Spirit that dwells within all of creation.

Our interfaith programs are offered to underline this truth and celebrate both the unity and diversity of all spiritual paths. We periodically invite teachers and ministers of different faiths to share with us from their traditions, and occasionally perform interfaith worship services with representatives from numerous paths coming together to experience the Light we all share.

Great suffering and many acts of violence have occurred due to the ways peoples separate themselves in the name of race and religion. We believe it is crucial now to develop a universal vision and learn to understand each other, so that we can live together in peace.

Sri Swamiji shared his vision for this important work, commenting, “If there is only one kind of flower in the garden, it is no longer a garden. Should the flowers fight about their colors, their scents, their shapes, and forms? Should they hate each other for their differences? God created all this variety for us to enjoy and for this beauty to enrich our lives.

Our aim should be to understand the unity and enjoy the variety. You can be loyal to your parents, your religion, your country, and at the same time you can love and respect another person’s allegiances. We can love our own faith and respect the other person’s faith as well.”

Sri Swamiji acted on this conviction by building the Light of Truth Universal Shrine (LOTUS), a unique temple dedicated to interfaith understanding and the Light within all faiths. Individual altars represent and honor the different world religions. The vision, design and inspiration of Sri Swami Satchidananda, the LOTUS was dedicated in 1986. In the peaceful countryside of Virginia, the doors of the LOTUS are open to welcome people of all faiths.