Grief, Growth and Community, 4-week series
Live-streamingSorry, this workshop has been canceled
Sorry, this workshop has been canceled
FREE | ONLINE with Snehan Born
Join Snehan for this monthly gathering to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the great mantra of Light and Liberation, to maximize the spiritual benefits of the full moon.
ONLINE with Prajna Lorin Piper
In this workshop we will explore and refine aspects of our meditation practices – how we sit, why we sit, and how that relates to our lives.
ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda
A puja (spiritual service) with participatory chanting will be performed. These devotional services are a time to come together for blessings from our spiritual teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda, and to offer gratitude for his guidance and love.
ONLINE with Susan Ford and Diana Meltsner
Join us for an evening of sharing words that reflect the voice of our soul. We will read and have discussions, awaken inspiration and peace in the heart.
ONLINE with Swami Ramananda and IYI staff
Please join us for this online gathering of our community to hear the latest news from the Institute.
ONLINE with Swami Divyananda Ma
Let’s take this hour -- on the eve of Valentine's Day -- to explore all the varied colorings of love, and the mystery of how it can both heal and destroy.
ONLINE with David Dayalan Clark
We gather once a month to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the great mantra of Light and Liberation, to maximize the spiritual benefits of the full moon.
ONLINE with Snehan Born
Join this monthly gathering to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the great mantra of Light and Liberation, to maximize the spiritual benefits of the full moon.
IN-PERSON & ONLINE with Mia Velez (In-person if available)
For centuries, yogis have welcomed the sun with the sun salutation series. It is a well-known tonic for the body that many people practice on a daily basis.
ONLINE with Margabandhu Martarano
We invite you to join well-known yogi and holistic health practitioner Margabandhu of New Jersey in exploring the importance of the immune system and practices that improve and strengthen our immunity to viruses.
Free ONLINE with David Dayalan Clark
We gather once a month to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the great mantra of Light and Liberation, to maximize the spiritual benefits of the full moon.