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$15, $20 | ONLINE & IN-PERSON | Please register in advance, a Zoom link and passcode will be provided via confirmation email.

Join Mia Velez in celebration of the sunlight at this spring equinox. For centuries, yogis have welcomed the sun with the sun salutation series. It is a well-known tonic for the body that many people practice on a daily basis. This standing sequence maintains strength and flexibility in the body and helps to awaken the energy for the day.

In this interactive workshop, we will dissect/inquire within each posture as it suits different body types and abilities. The aim is to have a deeper connection to the body and to help prepare one for the more subtle practices.


Mia Velez entered the Integral Yoga Sangha in 2016 through the kitchen by helping to cook Thursday community lunches and silent retreat meals. In 2018 she certified as an Integral Yoga teacher to learn more of the IYI approach and be part of the lineage. Mia is a disciple of the Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung Fu lineage and is highly influenced by her martial arts training. After completing her first 200 hour teacher training in 2008, she began to see undeniable parallel in Yoga and Kung Fu. When she began teaching Kung Fu in 2014, she incorporated Yoga insight and principles in her classes. Her goal in teaching is to connect with the students and to facilitate a safe space for exploration and self inquiry. Yoga and Kung Fu is integrated into her daily life as a mother, a preschool teacher, and an advocate for gender, race and class equality through multiple non-profits groups.

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