Honoring the Spiritual Light
ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda & Snehan Born
Join us in a celebration of the Summer Solstice, with the sun at its zenith, the International Day of Yoga, and the full moon for discussion, puja and chanting.
ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda & Snehan Born
Join us in a celebration of the Summer Solstice, with the sun at its zenith, the International Day of Yoga, and the full moon for discussion, puja and chanting.
ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Snehan Born, E-RYT 500
We gather once a month to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the great mantra of Light and Liberation, to maximize the spiritual benefits of the full moon.
ONLINE with Saroja Subrahmanyan, E-RYT 500
Apart from bone health, yoga asanas offer several other benefits such as improved balance, posture, range of motion and coordination, greatly reducing the risk of fractures. Join us and learn the basics of the bone building process and nutritional needs, followed by instructions for doing the 12 poses recommended by Dr. Fishman
IN-PERSON with Sukhawat Ali Khan
This gathering will explore Sufi devotional music from North India and Pakistan lead by Sukhawat Ali Khan, an Eleventh Generation Singer of the Sham Chaurasi Gharana of hindustani music in Pakistan.
ONLINE, 6 consecutive Sundays: JUN 23- JUL 28 with Swami Ramananda, Swami Divyananda & IY senior teachers
Join six Integral Yoga senior teachers for six consecutive Sunday mornings, online, Yoga classes that offer a unique way of integrating Yoga philosophy into the familiar practices of an Integral Yoga class.
ONLINE with Susan Ford
In these times of great change we will explore a path toward meeting ourselves where we are to give voice to all that matters! Together we will combine self-care with our writing and discover what a writing practice means to us and how it may take shape.
IN-PERSON with Heather Sevika Ford, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500
Enjoy a transformative 2-hour workshop, where you'll delve into the art of dissolving blockages in the flow of energy, rebooting your nervous system and harnessing your innate self-healing abilities.
ONLINE with Rich Panico M.D.
This free meditation, talk and brief Q&A will introduce you to the upcoming 4-week meditation course which will be focused on the development of non-conceptual somatic wisdom (insight based in tranquility and a still mind). Join us!
IN-PERSON with Snehan Born
Join Snehan for in-person chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa with harmonium. The Hanuman Chalisa is an ancient 40 line poem by Tulsidas extolling the many attributes and supernatural abilities of the Monkey God, Hanuman.
ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda & Jen “JP” Andrews
JP Andrews and Swami Ramananda will lead us in exploring how to gain mental clarity through mindful organizing strategies and removing visual clutter to align with our true nature.
ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda
"Can We Know God? How Yoga Enlightens" Share a cup of tea with Swami Ramananda, one of our most beloved IYI teachers. Swami-ji hosts monthly 30-minute “tea break” discussions exploring how to integrate Yoga and meditation in our daily lives.
4-week, ONLINE course, July 9, 16, 23 & 30 with Rich Panico M.D.
Join Rich Panico in this four week course (4 Tuesdays) focused on the development of non-conceptual somatic wisdom (insight based in tranquility and a still mind) through mindfulness and insight practices. This course is based in Early Buddhist Meditation with reference to The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.