Satsang: Authenticity, a Path to Self-Realization

Online & In-person | $5-$20 | Enroll for free, use promo code FREE

Please register in advance; a Zoom link will be emailed 1 hour before the session, or join Zoom directly via your Momence dashboard.

We appreciate advance registration.

In our culture authenticity is a quality more often marketed than manifested. Digital temptations and consumerism undermine our agency and “response-ability” and it becomes increasingly more difficult to be in touch with ourselves and with what truly matters to us.
Authenticity arises when we stop betraying ourselves, when we show ourselves open and honest in a wholesome way. Living authentically gives us meaning and purpose, increases our self-esteem, supports our personal and communal health but also takes a whole lot of courage and determination.

The teachings of yoga offer us a very sophisticated map on how to return to authenticity. Come and join yoga therapist Claudia Bartsch to explore how.

This is an introduction to her upcoming in-depth ‘Authenticity, Path to Self-Realization’ 3-part course. Save the date: 3 Saturday mornings 4/19, 4/26 & 5/3, 11:15-12:45pm.

Satsang is a special time for us to come together as a community. In Sanskrit, Sat means truth and Sangha means community. Satsang offers an opportunity to come together to share spiritual teachings. The philosophy of Integral Yoga is explored often through an informal discussion. Although our spiritual paths may diverge, the act of sharing spiritual teachings with others is inspiring and creates a solid foundation for continued practice.

Claudia Bartsch, E-500CYT, C-IAYT
Originally from Germany, Claudia studied and taught yoga for over 25 years. With more than 2000 hours of formal training in yoga she has a strong foundation in the classical approach to yoga and in innovative therapeutic methods. She is deeply dedicated to facilitating holistic healing and certified as a yoga therapist in 2016. In this role, she specializes in supporting individuals navigating mental or physical challenges by tailoring yoga practices to their unique conditions and needs. Additionally she was certified as a Stress Management Educator to empower individuals to cultivate resilience and inner peace through mindful practices. She is a Shiatsu and Reiki Practitioner, modalities that complement the holistic approach to well-being fostered through yoga. In 2022 she was certified as a Brain Longevity Specialist by the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation to deepen her understanding of cognitive and mental health Please visit her website for more information:

Satsang: Songs, Stories and Poetry

IN-PERSON | $5-$20 | Enroll for free, use promo code FREE.

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Join us for a fun and uplifting evening of original song, stories and poetry with Integral Yoga sangha member, Siva Fiske. Siva is a musician, author, artist, filmmaker, and Interfaith Minister that has performed and lectured widely across the US and abroad.

Stephen is a musician, author, poet, artist, filmmaker, and Interfaith Minister. He has performed and lectured widely across the US and abroad. A long-time peace and environmental activist, Stephen is the author of “The Art of Peace” (New Paradigm Books) and is finishing his second book, “The Call to Social Integrity and Wholeness” subtitled “to Interfaith, Earth Stewardship, and Democracy.” An award-winning songwriter, Stephen has produced twelve albums of his original music and has had songs of his covered by such well-known artists as Luther Vandross and Jose Feliciano. Stephen is also founder and Executive Producer of the Jerusalem Prayer Project (JPP), a non-profit multi-media production company based in Los Angeles, currently producing a feature documentary filmed primarily in Israel/Palestine, “Warriors of the Heart”, due for release next year, after six years in production. Stephen is a husband, father of three, and grandfather of four, living with his wife, Nikki, in Yogaville, Buckingham, Virginia.

Sunday Spiritual Talk: Celebrating Guru Poornima

Online and in-person | $5-$20 | Enroll for free, use promo code FREE.

Please register in advance; a Zoom link will be emailed 1 hour before the session, or join Zoom directly via your Momence dashboard.

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Join Swami Ramananda and representatives of many faiths Mercy Mungwadzi, Amanda Vigil, Surya Dick, Gautam Mulchandani and Zubin Goldman in a celebration of Guru Poornima. This annual Hindu holy day offers us an opportunity to show our appreciation and love for our spiritual teachers on the full moon in July.

We will honor the guiding principles found in these faiths: Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Sufism and African Faiths as well as celebrate guidance and teachings of our founder, Sri Swami Satchidananda and his teacher Swami Sivananda of Saraswati lineage.

By acknowledging each tradition as an equally valid path to the same Spiritual Presence within, we can learn to see the unity behind all the diversity so that we can live together in peace.

People of all faiths are welcome.

Swami Ramananda, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, is the Executive Director of the Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco, C-IAYT, and a greatly respected senior teacher in the Integral Yoga tradition who has been practicing Yoga for over 45 years. Ramananda offers practical methods of integrating the timeless teachings and practices of Yoga into daily life and transforming the painful aspects of human experience into steps toward realizing one’s full potential.
He leads beginner, intermediate and advanced-level Yoga teacher training programs in San Francisco and offers a variety of programs in many locations in the U.S., Europe and South America. Ramananda co-developed the Stress Management Teacher Training program with Swami Vidyananda, has trained many teachers to bring Yoga into corporate, hospital and medical settings, and has taught mind/body wellness programs in many locations. He is a certified Yoga therapist and founding board member of the Yoga Alliance, a national registry that supports and promotes yoga teachers as professionals. He co-founded The Spiritual Action Initiative (SAI), which brings together individuals committed to working for social justice for all beings and for the care and healing of our natural world. His warmth, wisdom and sense of humor have endeared him to many.

Satsang: Aparigraha and the Art of Decluttering

$5-$20 | Enroll for free, use promo code FREE.

Please register in advance; a Zoom link will be emailed 1 hour before the session, or join Zoom directly via your Momence dashboard.

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

We live in a culture whose motto is “more is better;” and we are encouraged to fulfill our spiritual needs with material things.
JP Andrews and Swami Ramananda will lead us in exploring how to gain mental clarity through mindful organizing strategies and removing visual clutter to align with our true nature.

  • Explore the Yoga practice of Aparigraha
  • Discuss intentional steps for transforming our physical space
  • Learn to let go with gratitude
  • Review guidelines for living in alignment with our true nature

A simple vegetarian meal will be offered following this in-person Satsang with a suggested in-person donation of $5-10.

Satsang is a special time for us to come together as a community. In Sanskrit, Sat means truth and Sangha means community. Satsang offers an opportunity to come together to share spiritual teachings. The philosophy of Integral Yoga is explored often through an informal discussion. Although our spiritual paths may diverge, the act of sharing spiritual teachings with others is inspiring and creates a solid foundation for continued practice.

People of all faiths are welcome.

Swami Ramananda, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, is the Executive Director of the Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco, C-IAYT, and a greatly respected senior teacher in the Integral Yoga tradition who has been practicing Yoga for over 45 years. Ramananda offers practical methods of integrating the timeless teachings and practices of Yoga into daily life and transforming the painful aspects of human experience into steps toward realizing one’s full potential.
He leads beginner, intermediate and advanced-level Yoga teacher training programs in San Francisco and offers a variety of programs in many locations in the U.S., Europe and South America. Ramananda co-developed the Stress Management Teacher Training program with Swami Vidyananda, has trained many teachers to bring Yoga into corporate, hospital and medical settings, and has taught mind/body wellness programs in many locations. He is a certified Yoga therapist and founding board member of the Yoga Alliance, a national registry that supports and promotes yoga teachers as professionals. He co-founded The Spiritual Action Initiative (SAI), which brings together individuals committed to working for social justice for all beings and for the care and healing of our natural world. His warmth, wisdom and sense of humor have endeared him to many.

Jen “JP” Andrews graduated summer of 2022 from the Integral Yoga Basic Teacher Training and continued as a student of Raja Yoga teacher training & Meditation teacher training in 2023. She discovered Hatha Yoga about 20 years ago and committed to deepening her spiritual practices after discovering Integral Yoga Institute SF and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. For the last 4 years she has been coaching clients to find their way to inner peace and joy by organizing and decluttering their space. This process allows her to apply yogic principles in her client sessions as a way to support and help clients reconnect to their True North.

In celebration of Swami Ramananda’s upcoming 71st birthday, we have created a Fundraiser-raffle! Tickets are available online now! Raffle entries are $10 each or 12 for $108. The raffle draw will be held on Saturday, August 3, 11:00am – 1:00pm at Swami Ramananda’s Birthday Brunch Potluck.

Please visit the Yogic Wisdom Campaign GoFundMe page to learn more and pledge your support today. No amount is too small to help us reach our goal. Thank you for your support.

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