Yoga for the Soul, Body, and Mind, 8-week course


8 consecutive Fridays, 6:30-8:00 pm | Offered individually or as 8-session course

$20 each class (memberships and class passes ok)
$125 for all 8 as a course

Please register in advance.

Book individual sessions (Fridays 6:30-8:00 pm):

  1. MAR 28, Swami Ramananda Book this session
  2. APR 4 Diana Meltsner & K. Muktidevi Demafeliz Book this session
  3. APR 11 Barbara Dickey & Saraswati Melanie Takahashi Book this session
  4. APR 18 Diana Meltsner  Book this session
  5. APR 25 Swami Ramananda Book this session
  6. MAY 2 Diana Meltsner & K. Muktidevi Demafeliz Book this session
  7. MAY 9 Barbara Dickey & Saraswati Melanie Takahashi Book this session
  8. MAY 16 Diana Meltsner Book this session

Yoga for the soul is a practice that in 90 minute format evenly combines physical poses at a mixed level with extended guided meditation and spiritual awareness explorations through a group discussion on yogic topics. These practices promote physical wellness, elevate the mind, foster connection with the soul and inspire life.

Join senior IYI teachers Diana Meltsner, Swami Ramananda, Saraswati Melanie Takahashi, K. Muktidevi Demafeliz and Barbara Dickey for individual dates / classes by signing up the same way as for any other hatha yoga class using your memberships or with a $20 class payment or sign up for the whole 8-class course for $125.00.

Book all 8 sessions


Cultivating 4 Keys to Peace, 7-day Meditation

Online | $47 Early bird, use promo code KEY, exp. 4/21 | $54 Regular

7 consecutive mornings:  May 5 – 11 , 7:15 – 8:00 am PT

Please register in advance; a Zoom link will be emailed 1 hour before the session, or join Zoom directly via your Momence dashboard.

Join Diana Meltsner a meditation teacher and teacher trainer online for 7 morning meditations and brief talks. They will focus on 4 keys from Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Book 1 Sutra 33; friendliness, compassion, delight and tranquility. These keys cultivated with meditation in the mind lead to developing attitudes towards oneself, others and our daily life experience. We develop skill to regulate our emotional state. We can acquire the ability to stay present regardless of what is happening within us and around us. When cultivated, this helpful and practical mindfulness skill allows the mind to remain undisturbed and become a useful tool and a friend to us.

With these practices Yoga and Buddhism meet. In Buddhism they are known as the Brahma Viharas, The Four Immeasurables, the practices of the heart. One learns to dwell (vihara) in these four forms of love as said by God Brahma. In the Buddhist texts and in Upanishads, these mental attitudes are considered to create protection and are associated with strength.
Meditation, talk, discussion and sharing will be included. Keeping a daily journal is recommended but not required.

All sessions will be recorded and shared with participants for later viewing.
CEUs 5 hours for Yoga Alliance offered to teachers upon request.

Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT, ERYT-500, YACEP, has been teaching a variety of classes and workshops since 2001 and since 2017 offers yoga therapy sessions privately and at Integral Yoga Therapy Clinic in San Francisco. She has been working in the clinical setting for Kaiser Permanente since 2005 as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, and health educator and is teaching mindfulness and meditation to the medical staff. Her focus is on the healing aspects of yoga on the mind as well as the body by applying the teachings of Yoga, practices of breath-control, mindfulness and meditation. Diana helps her clients to find healing and the ability to move through life with increased ease, stress resilience, and intuition. Diana Meltsner works as a programs manager at Integral Yoga Institute, an urban ashram in San Francisco. She is a yoga teacher trainer for the 200-hour and Meditation Teacher trainings.

Breath: Mysterious and Therapeutic

Online & In-person | $32 Early bird, use promo code BREATH, exp. 3/23 | $39 Regular

Please register in advance; a Zoom link will be emailed 1 hour before the session, or join Zoom directly via your Momence dashboard.

We appreciate advance registration.

The Breath can be used in multiple therapeutic applications to promote healing on a physical, emotional and mental level. It is something our body does continuously on its own. It can be challenging to really take a good look at one’s own breathing.
Breath has a potential to open doors to a greater awareness, a path to our spiritual awakening. Many traditions use the breath as a vehicle for transformation, healing, and looking beyond ordinary perception of day-to-day life.

In this workshop we will explore the breath gently and from different perspectives. You will learn:

• Getting to know your breath with mindfulness practices
• The basics of physiological and energetic aspects of the breath
• An introduction to pranayama, yogic breath control, its benefits and techniques
• Assessing your nervous system (NS) with breath awareness, activating vagus nerve
• Discovering patterns of holding
• Basics of self-healing with the breath
• Scriptural references as well as western medical research

We will explore the breath in asana, yoga nidra, pranayama and meditation practices. Lecture and discussion will be included. We will tailor our explorations to your interests.
This workshop will be recorded and shared with participants for later viewing.
CEUs 2 hours for Yoga Alliance offered to attending teachers upon request.

Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT, ERYT-500, YACEP, has been teaching a variety of classes and workshops since 2001 and since 2017 offers yoga therapy sessions privately and at Integral Yoga Therapy Clinic in San Francisco. She has been working in the clinical setting for Kaiser Permanente since 2005 as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, and health educator and is teaching mindfulness and meditation to the medical staff. Her focus is on the healing aspects of yoga on the mind as well as the body by applying the teachings of Yoga, practices of breath-control, mindfulness and meditation. Diana helps her clients to find healing and the ability to move through life with increased ease, stress resilience, and intuition. Diana Meltsner works as a programs manager at Integral Yoga Institute, an urban ashram in San Francisco. She is a yoga teacher trainer for the 200-hour and Meditation Teacher trainings.

Therapeutic Core Strengthening

Online & In-person | $27 Early bird, use promo code CORE, exp. 2/9 | $35 Regular

Please register in advance; a Zoom link will be emailed 1 hour before the session, or join Zoom directly via your Momence dashboard.

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Join Diana Meltsner, a certified yoga therapist in learning to understand the importance of core strength as support for balance, lower back and more. Lecture, practice and discussion will be included. We will tailor our explorations to your interests.

We will look at the anatomy just briefly and then in movement we will recognize and feel the different parts of the core and how they can engage in movement together with the rest of the body. This regained awareness can be applied to gentle yoga asana, advanced asana practice as well as body movement off the mat. We will explore what happens when we use or don’t use the core, and how to teach the body to start using these muscles again and how much to do to regain or sustain strength.

In a gentle way, we will practice a series of strengthening practices for your core and address their challenges. It will be done in a chair, standing and on the floor. All levels of practice are welcome.

This workshop will be recorded and shared with participants for later viewing.

CEUs 2 hours for Yoga Alliance offered to attending teachers upon request.

Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT, ERYT-500, YACEP, has been teaching a variety of classes and workshops since 2001 and since 2017 offers yoga therapy sessions privately and at Integral Yoga Therapy Clinic in San Francisco. She has been working in the clinical setting for Kaiser Permanente since 2005 as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, and health educator and is teaching mindfulness and meditation to the medical staff. Her focus is on the healing aspects of yoga on the mind as well as the body by applying the teachings of Yoga, practices of breath-control, mindfulness and meditation. Diana helps her clients to find healing and the ability to move through life with increased ease, stress resilience, and intuition. Diana Meltsner works as a programs manager at Integral Yoga Institute, an urban ashram in San Francisco. She is a yoga teacher trainer for the 200-hour and Meditation Teacher trainings.

2024-12-16T22:11:39-08:00December 16th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |
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