Satsang: Swami Satchidananda Jayanthi


ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda and Swami Divyananda
Join us for this special event honoring the birthday of our spiritual teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda. Satsang, a special time for us to come together as a community and an opportunity to share spiritual teachings.

Community Meeting

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda and IYI staff
Please join us for this online gathering of our community to hear the latest news from the Institute.

Satsang: Surrender

ONLINE with Swami Vimalananda
Do we truly believe that if, and when, we surrender we will live in a joyous state of being? What is keeping us from trusting and surrendering? Join us in this exploration.

Satsang: Mystical Poetry Night

ONLINE with Susan Ford and Diana Meltsner
Mystical poetry and sacred songs are powerful expressions of the human experience, the dynamic meeting of the mind with the Grace of the Divine. All are welcome to have a poem or two ready to share or simply listen and enjoy.

Satsang: Creating a Spiritual Vision

ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda
Please join us as we use guided reflection to create a personal vision for this lifetime and envision the immediate steps we want to take to fulfill this vision.

Satsang: The Shared Wisdom of the Tao and Yoga

ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda & Gary Kissiah
Both the Tao, sometimes called the Watercourse Way, and the teachings of Yoga guide us to uncover our natural state and learn to live in harmony with the Universe, and the energy found in it. Please join Gary and Ramananda for an exploration of how these traditions offer a way to let go of striving and stress, tune into our inner wisdom and learn to align ourselves with the natural flow of the Universe.

Satsang: Yoga for Healing Collective Trauma

ONLINE with Kamala Itzel Hayward
In this Satsang we’ll explore the role that Yoga can play in the transformation and healing of collective trauma—in particular, collective trauma experienced as a result of living under structural and systemic oppression.

Kirtan with Michael Hathaway

IN-PERSON with Michael Hathaway
Michael will lead us in chanting traditional Sanskrit mantras set to his original music, weaving an enchanting soundscape of hypnotic harmonics, joyful celebration, and fierce intensity.

Swami Satchidananda’s Jayanthi

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda
This special event honoring the birthday of our spiritual teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda.

Satsang: Finding Equanimity in a World Out of Balance

ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda, Kamala Itzel Hayward & Kristie Dahlia Home
Many of us are deeply concerned about events on the lands we call home and on our planet, and are searching for ways to nurture peace in our hearts and stand up for our values. Join us for a meaningful conversation as we gather as Sangha, a community of people devoted to spiritual life.

Navaratri Kirtan with Michael Hathaway and Friends

IN-PERSON with Michael Hathaway
Join Michael Hathaway and friends for a special night dedicated to the Divine Mother! Michael Hathaway: vocals and harmonium, Brianna Prajna Vieira: vocals and harmonium, David Estes: vocals and guitar, Ramana: tablas, Ben Leinbach: bass

Sunday Spiritual Talk: Responding to a World in Crisis

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda & Swami Asokananda
Join these two beloved Swamis for an exploration of what ‘living a spiritual life’ means in times like ours. Together we will reflect on how to empower ourselves, both as individuals and communities.

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