Community Open Mic

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE Co-hosted by Swami Ramananda & Swami Divyananda Ma
Let's gather together for fun and sharing. On this occasion, anyone can go in the spotlight on Zoom and sing, tell a joke or story, read a favorite quote or poem, or share from the heart.

Satsang: Passover

ONLINE with Rev. Sam Rudra Swartz
Celebrate the great festival of liberation and the profound rituals and ceremonies of Passover. As in the ancient practice, we will supplement the service with a discussion of the holy day’s mystical and practical significance in both Jewish and Yogic traditions.

Satsang: Easter


ONLINE with Swami Vimalananda & Swami Ramananda
On this evening, we will contemplate the spiritual presence and resurrection of Jesus as Swami Vimalananda clarifies how the same truths are found in the teachings of Yoga. We will make time for discussion and personal sharings and Swami Ramananda will offer a meditative worship ritual called puja.

Community meeting: Updates and Reopening News


ONLINE with Swami Ramananda and the IYI Board
Please join us for this online gathering of our community to share a brief Yoga practice together and hear the latest news from the Institute.

Satsang: An African-American Yogini’s Journey


ONLINE with with Saeeda Hafiz
Join Saeeda Hafiz, author of “The Healing: One Woman's Journey from Poverty to Inner Riches” for a book talk discussing self-discovery, racism, and breaking the cycle of poverty through radical self-care.

Satsang: Contemplating Freedom, online/in-person

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda
At this Satsang, together we'll contemplate our potential for spiritual freedom, the conditioned thinking that holds us back, and how we can live with peace in our hearts, as we navigate the challenges of life.

Satsang: Sri Swami Sivananda, The Life and Teachings


ONLINE with Swami Divyananda Ma
“Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realise; Be good, Do good, Be kind, Be compassionate.” – Swami Sivananda Saraswati. Satsang offers an opportunity to come together to share spiritual teachings.

Swami Sivananda Jayanthi Puja

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE & In-person with Swami Ramananda and Diana Meltsner
These devotional services are a time to come together for blessings from our spiritual teacher Sri Swami Sivananda, to offer gratitude and ask for guidance.

Navaratri: Celebration Honoring the Divine Mother – Lakshmi Puja


ONLINE with Swami Divyananda Ma
Navaratri is the celebration of the Divine Mother in the form of the three Hindu Goddesses: Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. We’ll celebrate each of the three Goddesses over the 9 days, Navaratri.

Navaratri: Celebration Honoring the Divine Mother – Saraswati Puja


ONLINE with Swami Divyananda Ma
Navaratri is the celebration of the Divine Mother in the form of the three Hindu Goddesses: Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. We’ll celebrate each of the three Goddesses over the 9 days, Navaratri.

Satsang: Understanding and Befriending the Ego


ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda
The teachings of Yoga can help us understand the ego as a self-image we have formed, that distorts our experiences and ultimately causes us to suffer. The practice of Yoga can free us from identifying with habitual thought patterns and see things as they are.

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