Mother Goddess Yoga Workshop

Online and In-person
$60 Early bird use promo code GODDESS, exp. 11/25/23
$70 Regular

Please register in advance, a Zoom link will be provided via confirmation email.

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

A journey of honoring and redefining the feminine in yoga.

The presence of the Sacred Feminine has been a leading force in all of the old traditions. Her symbols, artifacts, marks, contributions and work have been found in every single ancient culture.

In this workshop Nubia, will teach you a yoga sadhana that is filled with our Mother Goddess imagery, sacred symbology, and potency.

The curated practices for this afternoon are a combination of asana, pranayama, visualization, incantation, mantra, mudra and more…..weaved together in a macramé of potent traditional practices with artistic and innovative techniques based on Nubia’s decades of study and practice of Yoga and Odissi, a classical India dance.

What you will learn & receive:

  • Roots – Namo Matri Gurubye
  • The Philosophical foundations taught here are based on honoring the Divine Mother as the guru and as the main Source of Life: Bhakti to the Divine Mother and Shaktism.
  • The Hatha Yoga poses and technologies taught in this module are an invitation to awaken the qualities of grounding, rooting, and empowerment.

All are welcome.

Nubia Teixeira, E-RYT 500, YACEP, a Brazilian-born yogini, has devoted herself to teaching many different aspects of yoga and dance for the past 32 years. Perceiving yoga as a healing art, Nubia’s refinement and devotion to this ancient practice is reflected in her unique teaching, centered around heartfelt compassion and inspiration. Drawing from the universe of symbols, myths, deities, mudras, and sacred geometry she teaches embodied Bhakti (devotional yoga).
Known for her fierce heart, uplifting humor, and keen intuition, her classes are rooted in her extensive knowledge gained from years of devotional study and practice in yoga and dance. She helps students connect with their deeper selves, fully inhabit their bodies, and live with deep awareness.
Also a Reiki instructor and practitioner, Nubia leads workshops, retreats, and teacher
trainings locally, nationally, and across the world.

2023-11-29T13:09:02-08:00October 2nd, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Cultivating the Heart; Kindness and Compassion

This event has been cancelled
$30 Early bird use promo code Heart, exp. 11/9
$35 Regular


In this 2-hour workshop we will practice gentle and restorative yoga to allow the body to find ease followed by guided meditation practice on the heart space, to help feel the heart and open its doors.

In Sanskrit, this practice is called Hridayākāsha Dhārāna, concentration on the bright space in the heart which is at the center of our being and the core of connection to ourselves. This powerful ancient practice is still so current and provides us with inner strength. Talk and discussion will be included as well as suggested ongoing practices supporting cultivation of kindness and compassion towards oneself and others.

CEU: 2 hours – Yoga Alliance certificate upon request

Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT, ERYT-500, YACEP, has been teaching variety of classes and workshops since 2001 and since 2017 offers yoga therapy sessions privately and at Integral Yoga Therapy Clinic in San Francisco. She has worked in the clinical setting for Kaiser Permanente since 2005 as a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, and health educator and is teaching mindfulness and meditation to the medical staff. Her focus is on the healing aspects of yoga on the mind as well as the body by applying the teachings of Yoga, practices of breath-control, mindfulness and meditation. Diana helps her clients to find healing and the ability to move through life with increased ease, stress resilience, and intuition. Diana Meltsner works as a programs manager and serves on the board of directors at Integral Yoga Institute, an urban ashram in San Francisco. She is a yoga teacher trainer for the 200-hour and Meditation Teacher trainings.

New Beginnings Writing Group

Online | $1-$15 Sliding scale

Monthly on the second Friday | Free follow-up on second Friday, October 27, 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Please register in advance, a Zoom link and passcode will be provided via confirmation email.

In these times of great change we will explore a path toward meeting ourselves where we are to give voice to all that matters! As we live with interruptions and chaos, we can deepen into the roots of our creativity, encouraging the river of expression to flow. Beginners and seasoned writers are welcome, as we explore various forms of writing: poetry, prose, short stories, memoir, among others. Through writing exercises using everyday life, place, family, images, poetry of others, while using pranayama, meditation and the guidance of the Sutras we will build a body of work. Participants are encouraged to go at their own pace.
Tools we will Practice:

  • The Art of Paying Attention
  • Acceptance
  • Play
  • Writing from the Heart

Together we will combine self-care with our writing and discover what a writing practice means to us and how it may take shape.

Susan Ford, C-IAYT, RYT-500, began teaching in 2011 and has been an assistant trainer for the Basic Yoga Teacher at IYI since 2012.She specializes in gentle yoga and yoga therapy working with people with disabilities, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, aging, bone health, anxiety, depression and asthma. Her focus is to help students to meet their bodies where they are by introducing and incorporating Therapeutic Yoga, Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, pranayama and meditation.
Susan has been a writer of poetry, short stories and plays most of her adult life and has been repeatedly featured in the storytelling events in Northern California. She has led writer groups, tutored many in writing, and regularly hosts poetry reading Satsangs at Integral Yoga Institute San Francisco.

New Beginnings Writing Group

Online | By donation $0, $5, $10, $15

Monthly on the second Friday |Free follow-up on second Friday, September 22, 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Please register in advance, a Zoom link and passcode will be provided via confirmation email.

In these times of great change we will explore a path toward meeting ourselves where we are to give voice to all that matters! As we live with interruptions and chaos, we can deepen into the roots of our creativity, encouraging the river of expression to flow. Beginners and seasoned writers are welcome, as we explore various forms of writing: poetry, prose, short stories, memoir, among others. Through writing exercises using everyday life, place, family, images, poetry of others, while using pranayama, meditation and the guidance of the Sutras we will build a body of work. Participants are encouraged to go at their own pace.
Tools we will Practice:

  • The Art of Paying Attention
  • Acceptance
  • Play
  • Writing from the Heart

Together we will combine self-care with our writing and discover what a writing practice means to us and how it may take shape.

Susan Ford, C-IAYT, RYT-500, began teaching in 2011 and has been an assistant trainer for the Basic Yoga Teacher at IYI since 2012.She specializes in gentle yoga and yoga therapy working with people with disabilities, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, aging, bone health, anxiety, depression and asthma. Her focus is to help students to meet their bodies where they are by introducing and incorporating Therapeutic Yoga, Raja Yoga, Hatha Yoga, pranayama and meditation.
Susan has been a writer of poetry, short stories and plays most of her adult life and has been repeatedly featured in the storytelling events in Northern California. She has led writer groups, tutored many in writing, and regularly hosts poetry reading Satsangs at the IYI.

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