Yoga for the Soul, Body, and Mind, 8-week course
8 consecutive Fridays, 6:30-8:00 pm | Offered individually or as 8-session course
$20 each class (memberships and class passes ok)
$125 for all 8 as a course
Book individual sessions (Fridays 6:30-8:00 pm):
- MAR 28, Swami Ramananda Book this session
- APR 4 Diana Meltsner & K. Muktidevi Demafeliz Book this session
- APR 11 Barbara Dickey & Saraswati Melanie Takahashi Book this session
- APR 18 Diana Meltsner Book this session
- APR 25 Swami Ramananda Book this session
- MAY 2 Diana Meltsner & K. Muktidevi Demafeliz Book this session
- MAY 9 Barbara Dickey & Saraswati Melanie Takahashi Book this session
- MAY 16 Diana Meltsner Book this session
Yoga for the soul is a practice that in 90 minute format evenly combines physical poses at a mixed level with extended guided meditation and spiritual awareness explorations through a group discussion on yogic topics. These practices promote physical wellness, elevate the mind, foster connection with the soul and inspire life.
Join senior IYI teachers Diana Meltsner, Swami Ramananda, Saraswati Melanie Takahashi, K. Muktidevi Demafeliz and Barbara Dickey for individual dates / classes by signing up the same way as for any other hatha yoga class using your memberships or with a $20 class payment or sign up for the whole 8-class course for $125.00.