Kirtan with Michael Hathaway

In-person | $20 In advance, use promo code MANTRAS | $25 Day of

We appreciate advance registration.

Michael will lead us in chanting traditional Sanskrit mantras set to his original music, weaving an enchanting soundscape of hypnotic harmonics, joyful celebration, and fierce intensity. His unique melodies (often channeled in dreams) reveal a blend of musical influences including jazz, soul, folk, psychedelic rock, church hymns, Western classical, and Indian classical – creating an innovative fusion that honors the tradition while expressing a deeply personal offering. He sings with sweet, celestial, heart-felt yearning, and shares his practice as medicine with others by creating an uplifting communal experience of ecstatic group prayer.

Michael Hathaway discovered his musicality and voice through the practice of devotional chanting. He was introduced to daily chanting at the Sivananda Ashram in the Bahamas in the late 90s. He quickly became immersed in the Bhakti scene – taking every opportunity to sit with his teachers Jai Uttal, Krishna Das, Bhagavan Das, Shyamdas, and others. Michael can be found leading kirtan at yoga studios, festivals & conscious gatherings, and singing with his harmonium for yoga classes in the Los Angeles area. His two albums, remixes, and music videos are available on streaming platforms. He’s also a Jivamukti yoga teacher, Reiki practitioner, 3rd-degree black belt in Seido Karate, and a regular practitioner of 5 Rhythms/ecstatic dance. He humbly bows at the feet of Maharaj-ji Neem Karoli Baba, Ram Dass, and all of his Teachers, and wishes to honor them by singing the holy names.

Kirtan with Mirabai

In-person | $20 In advance, use promo code MIRABAI | $25 Day of

We appreciate advance registration.

Kirtan, a call-and-response style chanting, is part of the path of Bhakti Yoga — the path of opening the heart through devotion and surrender. It is the music of the heart, and is sung freely from the heart. Using these practices, breathing and chanting helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Kirtan is a spiritual gathering treasure that nourishes our soul, heart and spirit.
No experience is necessary to participate, pre-registration is recommended.

Mirabai Warkulwiz planted her yoga and meditation roots in San Francisco at the Sivananda Center in 1998. Amazed at her healing of a back injury and many other positive life changes, she became yoga certified through 200-hour teacher training programs both at the Integral Yoga Institute in 2004, and at the Greenpath Ashtanga Studio in 2005. In July 2008 she completed another 170 hour Intermediate Teacher Training program in Asana and Pranayama through the Integral Yoga Institute in Virginia. She is attuned to Reiki Level 1, studies Aryuveda, is a dancer, and enjoys being in communion with nature. She invites all of her yoga students to transcend physical, emotional, and mental blocks to experience more spaciousness, comfort, happiness, clarity, and inner peace. As a Kirtan musician (Mirabai and Friends Kirtan Band) Mirabai leads Kirtan around the Bay Area, and enjoys implementing chanting, sound, and music into class.

Kirtan with Easy E

In-person | Sliding scale $5-25 (option to come for free with promocode FREE)

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Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Please join Easy E and the band for an evening of chanting. His style of Kirtan is wonderful for all levels of Kirtan goers, with an easy flow of music and lyrics that are simple to follow and chant to. Easy E wants everyone to focus on the medicine of the music and not the complication of the lyrics. With an Easy and gentle flow of mantra music, Easy E takes everyone down a path of devotional music and challenges everyone to dive deep into their hearts and feel the true spirit of what Kirtan can dish out for its participants.

Easy E was born and raised in Southern California and found the Bhakti practice back in 2015 when he went to India on a retreat with Govindas from the Bhakti Yoga Shala. It was on that trip that Easy E was introduced to Hanuman, and the connection was life changing. Easy E comes from a musical background and has been playing the acoustic guitar since he was 8 years old. With a deep rooted background in Judaism, the Bhakti path was like a coming home party for Easy E, playing and singing mantras was heart opening which is very transparent to all those who chant together with him. He plays with Hanuman Ji’s, a Band of Friends, born out of the Bhakti Yoga Shala in Santa Monica California.

Navaratri Kirtan with Michael Hathaway and Friends

$20 In advance, use promo code CHANTING, exp.8/2 | $25 Day of

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Join Michael Hathaway and friends for a special night dedicated to the Divine Mother!

Michael Hathaway: vocals and harmonium
Brianna Prajna Vieira: vocals and harmonium
David Estes: vocals and guitar
Ramana: tablas
Ben Leinbach: bass

Together we will create a soundscape of sacred Sanskrit mantras to facilitate transformation and healing – raising our vibration as we raise our voices in devotion and ecstatic celebration!
Michael sings with sweet, celestial, heart-felt yearning. His songs are traditional Sanskrit mantras set to his original music, weaving an enchanting soundscape of hypnotic harmonics, joyful celebration, and fierce intensity. His unique melodies (often channeled in dreams) reveal a blend of musical influences including jazz, soul, folk, psychedelic rock, church hymns, Western classical, and Indian classical – creating an innovative fusion that honors the tradition while expressing a deeply personal offering.
Come sing in community, or just bathe in the sound healing!

No experience necessary, and all are welcome regardless of finances.
Come and go as you are able, no one is turned away.

Navaratri is the celebration of the Divine Mother in the form of the three Hindu Goddesses: Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati.
We’ll celebrate the three Goddesses over the 9 days, Navaratri culminating with a special service called Vijayadaśamī. This is a special opportunity to bless your house and all the tools you use in your work. Please join us for this special celebration.

All Navaratri & Vijay Dasami celebrations:

Navaratri – Celebration Honoring the Divine Mother – Durga Puja with Swami Ramananda
Thursday, October 3 | 12:00 – 1:00pm

Navaratri Kirtan with Michael Hathaway and Friends
Sat. October 5 | 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm PDT

Navaratri: Celebration Honoring the Divine Mother – Lakshmi Puja with Swami Ramananda
Monday, October 7 | 12:00 – 1:00pm

Navaratri: Celebration Honoring the Divine Mother – Kirtan and Saraswati Puja with Swami Ramananda and Snehan Born
Thursday, October 10 | 12:00 – 1:00pm

Satsang – Vijayadaśamī: Celebration Honoring the Divine Mother with Swami Ramananda
Saturday, October 12 | 5:30 – 6:30pm


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