Kirtan with Astrud

$25 Day of | $20 In advance, use promo code MANTRA, exp. 4/5

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Please join us for call and response chanting and meditation. No music experience is necessary.

As a group we are inspired by the sacred sounds and love to sing in the key of “WE”. We share what is known as KIRTAN, a call and response of sacred sounds and mantras. It is the relationship to these mantras that illuminates our heart and awakens our consciousness. It is not important that you can sing or that you understand the words. KIRTAN is an experience. It is a practice to release you out of the thinking mind and drop you gently into the heart. MAN means ‘mind ‘and TRA means ‘instrument’. So it is through these sacred sounds we are able to conduct the instrument of the mind.

Together we create this sacred union with healing intentions for the whole of the world

Astrud Castillo has been teaching yoga since 2001 and sharing Kirtan internationally for the last 10 years.She trained in NYC at Laughing Lotus, currently known as Body and soul Yoga collective and is a senior teacher and teacher trainer. She has studied the basics of yoga therapeutics and Vedic chanting with T.K.V. Desikachar in India. Her teaching has been inspired by her mentor and friend Mark Whitwell over the last 20 years. Astrud’s classes are warm, welcoming and all inclusive. Her love and relationship to Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of devotion, is always illuminated in her teaching. There is always chanting in Astrud’s classes, awareness around the breath and mindful movement. Astrud leads annual pilgrimages to India, teaches Bhakti yoga with teachers in training and currently lives at the IYI in SF. Her slow flow class weaves together poses in a creative and mindful way using the breath as the bridge to deepen and explore the balance between effort and surrender and focus the mind.

2024-01-25T17:15:09-08:00January 25th, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Kirtan with Astrud Castillo

$20 In advance use promo code Mantras, exp. 11/17
$25 Day of

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Please join us for call and response chanting and meditation.
No music experience is necessary.

As a group we are inspired by the sacred sounds and love to sing in the key of “WE”. We share what is known as KIRTAN, a call and response of sacred sounds and mantras. It is the relationship to these mantras that illuminates our heart and awakens our consciousness. It is not important that you can sing or that you understand the words. KIRTAN is an experience. It is a practice to release you out of the thinking mind and drop you gently into the heart. MAN means ‘mind ‘and TRA means ‘instrument’. So it is through these sacred sounds we are able to conduct the instrument of the mind.

Together we create this sacred union with healing intentions for the whole of the world.

Astrud Castillo has been teaching yoga since 2001 and sharing Kirtan internationally for the last 10 years.She trained in NYC at Laughing Lotus, currently known as Body and soul Yoga collective and is a senior teacher and teacher trainer. She has studied the basics of yoga therapeutics and Vedic chanting with T.K.V. Desikachar in India. Her teaching has been inspired by her mentor and friend Mark Whitwell over the last 20 years. Astrud’s classes are warm, welcoming and all inclusive. Her love and relationship to Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of devotion, is always illuminated in her teaching. There is always chanting in Astrud’s classes, awareness around the breath and mindful movement. Astrud leads annual pilgrimages to India, teaches Bhakti yoga with teachers in training and currently lives at the IYI in SF. Her slow flow class weaves together poses in a creative and mindful way using the breath as the bridge to deepen and explore the balance between effort and surrender and focus the mind.

2023-10-12T13:30:32-07:00October 2nd, 2023|Tags: , , , , |
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