

ONLINE with Mirabai Warkulwiz
Kirtan is part of the path of Bhakti Yoga -- the path of opening the heart through devotion and surrender. It is the music of the heart, and is sung freely from the heart.

Community Meeting – Updates and Plans

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda and IYI board
Please join us for this online gathering of our community to hear the latest news from the Institute and the status of our roof replacement project. We'll discuss current online programs, and steps to reopening of the Institute.

Deepening into Meditation

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE with Prajna Piper
This ongoing group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to explore and refine aspects of our meditation practices – how we sit, why we sit, and how that relates to our lives.

Holiday Stress Release – Pandemic Special Edition


ONLINE with Swami Vidyananda
This has been a stressful year already, and now it’s the holidays. The good news is you don't have to let stress drain your holiday joy.

Responding to Racism Discussion Group


ONLINE with Sarani Beth Fedman
Please join us for exploration of the roots of racism and the changes we need to see in ourselves and society.

Guru Puja

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda
These devotional services are a time to come together for blessings from our spiritual teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda, and to offer gratitude for his guidance and love.

Gratitude Hatha Class


ONLINE with Stephen Sivadas McFarland
Please join me for a morning yoga class. In such a challenging time in the world my hope is that we can come together in class and discover a deep sense of gratitude by directing our thoughts and attention towards all there is to be grateful for in life.

Thanksgiving Gathering: Expressing Gratitude

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda and Swami Divyananda Ma
Join us for this opportunity to share with each other our understanding of gratitude as a spiritual discipline and the many blessings we have experienced.

Therapeutic Core Strengthening


ONLINE with Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT and e-RYT500
Learn to understand the importance of core strength as support for balance, lower back function, joint stability and more. All levels of practitioners are welcome.

Full Moon Chanting


ONLINE with Madhavi Bechts
We gather once a month to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the great mantra of Light and Liberation, to maximize the spiritual benefits of the full moon

Ayurvedic Remedies and Yoga Practices to Improve Immunity


ONLINE with Ausra Duverge
Join Ausra, Integral Yoga Clinic therapist for this 90-minute workshop where she will share Ayurvedic remedies and yoga practices to boost and maintain a strong immune system.

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