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$20 early bird, exp. 11/28

Integral Yoga Therapy Clinic presents:

Join Ausra, Integral Yoga Clinic therapist, for this 90-minute workshop where she will share Ayurvedic remedies and yoga practices to boost and maintain a strong immune system.
You will learn how to stay healthy using simple recipes and self-care daily routines.
We are going to explore specific yoga poses, breathing, and relaxation techniques to keep you healthy during the most vulnerable times of cold and flu season and episodes of heightened stress.

Ausra Duverge, C-IAYT, RYT-500, is an Ayurvedic Health Counselor and Certified Yoga Therapist. She uses Yoga techniques and practices: movement, breathing, relaxation, meditation, yoga philosophy, and Ayurvedic nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to help safely manage existing health conditions, restore balance and vitality, and to prevent disease.
Ausra offers yoga classes for cancer survivors, adaptive yoga, and workplace stress management. She works with clients one-on-one, virtually and in-person, with a variety of health conditions: heart disease, dementia, spinal injuries and misalignment.

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