Swami Sivananda Jayanthi Puja

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE & In-person with Swami Ramananda and Diana Meltsner
These devotional services are a time to come together for blessings from our spiritual teacher Sri Swami Sivananda, to offer gratitude and ask for guidance.

Forgiveness: Freeing the Heart from the Past, 2-part workshop

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda – Sep. 8th & 22nd
In this 2 part workshop we will explore how deeply painful experiences can create resentment and anger that are held like protective armor around the heart, constricting our capacity to love and experience joy in daily life, forgiveness and the healing process.

New Beginnings Writing Group


ONLINE with Susan Ford
Beginners and seasoned writers are welcome, as we explore various forms of writing: poetry, prose, short stories, memoir, among others. Through writing exercises using everyday life, place, family, images, poetry of others, while using pranayama, meditation and the guidance of the Sutras we will build a body of work.

Yoga and The Pelvic Floor: A workshop for women


ONLINE with Leslie Howard
In this workshop we will locate, assess, soften, stretch, strengthen and exercise the muscle groups of the pelvic floor, discuss mula bandha, abdominal health and how to utilize the pelvic floor in asana.

Deepening into Meditation

Live-streaming from Integral Yoga SF

ONLINE with Prajna Piper
This ongoing group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to explore and refine aspects of our meditation practices – how we sit, why we sit, and how that relates to our lives.

Satsang: Sustaining our Spiritual Vision

In-Person & ONLINE

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda
One of the primary challenges of the spiritual path is sustaining the intention to awaken, even as we encounter considerable obstacles. In this Satsang, we'll discuss the many roadblocks we encounter on the spiritual path and the benefits of establishing strong habits, spiritual community and the use of affirmations.

Full Moon Chanting


ONLINE with Madhavi Maria Becht
We gather once a month to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the great mantra of Light and Liberation, to maximize the spiritual benefits of the full moon.

POSTPONED – Intro to Mindfulness Meditation and Aging


POSTPONED EVENT with Rich Panico
Please join Rich Panico for an introduction to his 4-week course starting on October 6th. Mindfulness and Aging will be primarily experiential with exposure to foundation practices but also specific ways to identify and cultivate specific tools and ways of working with the Brahman Viharas both on and off the cushion.

LifeForce Yoga to Manage Your Mood


ONLINE Oct 2 & 3 with Amy Weintraub
Join Amy Weintraub, author of the groundbreaking book Yoga for Depression and the new card deck of 52 practices Yoga for Your Mood, for an online workshop that will guide you through evidence-based Yoga practices for managing your mood.

Back Care Workshop


ONLINE with Diana Meltsner
Join our San Francisco Yoga Therapy clinician Diana Meltsner to learn about back care. We will look at the anatomy of the back and neutral spine, learn to recognize the alignment in the body, and discuss the common causes that trigger back pain.

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