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Join Pamela Seeling as she introduces her newly published book by Shambhala: Threads of Yoga: Themes, Reflections, and Meditations To Weave Into Your Practice, a guide for students and teachers inspired by the Yoga Sutras. Pamela’s roots are with Integral Yoga and we are joyful to have with us this evening.

Satsang, a special time for us to come together as a community. In Sanskrit, Sat means truth and Sangha means community. Satsang offers an opportunity to come together to share spiritual teachings. The philosophy of Integral Yoga is explored, often, through an informal discussion. Although spiritual paths may diverge, the act of sharing spiritual teachings with others is inspiring and creates a solid foundation for continued practice.

People of all faiths are welcome.

Pamela Seelig is a yoga and meditation teacher based in New Jersey. She began her yoga journey in 1991 when an illness interrupted her Wall Street career. The practice of yoga helped with recovery and led to a lifelong pursuit of perceiving and sharing yogic wisdom. Pamela’s roots are with the Integral Yoga Institute, and she is a certified IYI Hatha, Raja, and Meditation teacher. Her upcoming book, Threads of Yoga, Themes, Reflections, and Meditations to Weave Into Your Practice, published by Shambhala, will be released on September 28. She continues to study and share yogic wisdom through practice, teaching, and writing. pamelaseelig.com

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