Passover Seder

ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Jackie Barshak, CYT-500 & Swami Ramananda
Celebrate your own path to liberation at the Institute's Passover Seder, exploring the Passover story from a yogic perspective. Participate in the timeless ritual of storytelling, recreating and reimagining the Jewish peoples’ exodus, drawing on its powerful themes of resistance and liberation.

Kirtan with Ekachakra Prana and The Bhakti Band

IN-PERSON with Ekachakra Prana and The Bhakti Band
Come immerse yourself in the transcendental vibrations of the maha-mantra! Drawing from the rich tradition of Gaudiya Vaisnavism (The Hare Krishnas!), a rockstar-turned-monk will take you on a spiritual journey through song.

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