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$45 | Please register in advance, a Zoom link, passcode and downloadable PDF will be provided via confirmation email.

TRE is a simple, gentle and profound technique that facilitates the lengthening and relaxation of the psoas muscle and the release of physical and emotional tension and stress. The TRE exercises mildly tire the legs, triggering an involuntary shaking and trembling response, which begins in the legs and often spreads throughout the body. This natural response is the nervous system’s way of discharging long-held tension and unconscious body contraction, caused by everyday stress and traumatic life experiences, in order to restore the body to wholeness.

TRE was developed by Dr. David Berceli, a bio-energetic therapist and social worker, who used it successfully worldwide working with soldiers, firefighters, police officers and survivors of war, natural disasters and other traumatic circumstances to help alleviate the many symptoms of post-traumatic stress. TRE is taught in over 60 countries worldwide.

Reported benefits include:

  • decrease anxiety
  • release chronic tension
  • discharge emotional and physical trauma
  • increase energy and flexibility
  • improve sleep and mood
  • decrease of aches, pains and symptoms of fibromyalgia and sciatica

This workshop is suitable for all ages and fitness levels as the exercises can be modified to accommodate any body’s need.

CEU certificate available upon request from the teacher for psychotherapists and massage therapists.

Please read downloadable pdf with important preparation instructions about your Online TRE® session. It will be sent to you with an enrollment confirmation email. This document contains information about how to set up your camera and mat, checklist of needed items and other preparations.

For more information about TRE please visit TREcalifornia.com
If you have any questions or concerns please contact maria@TREcalifornia.com



Maria Alfaro, E-RYT, TRE® Trainer is the co-creator of Neurogenic Yoga™, the sister method of TRE and facilitates workshops and trainings globally. She creates a supportive environment that makes people feel safe. She leads her with compassion and a sense of humor. Born and raised in Rome, Italy she now lives in Santa Cruz, CA.

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