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What does yoga practice look like?
Am I spiritual enough?

Join Diana Meltsner, certified yoga therapist and Vijay David Hassin, LCSW, who has been including Western and Eastern philosophies in psychotherapy practice for decades, in an exploration of how we perceive ourselves as “being spiritual” and the sense of “spiritual self-worth” from both yogic and modern psychology perspectives. The practice of Yoga has various forms as suggested by ancient texts. We look at our own and compare these ideals.


Yet again a new day has come.
Is this the moment to rise?
Is it now, the time

to slip out of the covers and enter
the uncertainty of the new day?

Let me start this day with
joyful silence so focused and present
just like the bird
joining the rays of the sun each day with
rhythm of a song.

Let me meet this day with
grace and wonder, not looking away.
Is that enough? Living this life
with open eyes and
ever so aching heart enough?

When the evening comes,
will I know if I’ve lived enough?
I don’t know if there is a plan or
if I pray enough,
all I know, I live another day.

— by Diana Meltsner

Satsang is a special time for us to come together as a community. In Sanskrit, Sat means truth and Sangha means community. Satsang offers an opportunity to come together to share spiritual teachings. The philosophy of Integral Yoga is explored, often through an informal discussion. Although spiritual paths may diverge, the act of sharing spiritual teachings with others is inspiring and creates a solid foundation for continued practice.

People of all faiths are welcome.

Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT and e-RYT 500, has been teaching yoga in the Bay Area since 2001. Diana has been a lead teacher trainer for 200-hour Integral Yoga Teacher Trainings since 2012. The classes she teaches include chair/gentle, various levels of Hatha yoga, prenatal, guided mindfulness meditations, and various yoga, pranayama and meditation workshops. She’s been working as a health educator and yoga instructor for Kaiser Permanente since 2014.
She is C-IAYT certified yoga therapist and San Francisco center manager for the Integral Yoga Therapy 800-hour certification program. Diana offers individual therapeutic sessions with focus on physical and mental wellness. Her offerings help people to find a deeper sense of well-being and ability to move through life with increased ease, intuition, and stress resilience.

David Vijay Hassin was the Founding Director of the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco and the first Yogaville West community. He was one of a core group of students of Sri Swami Satchidananda when Sri Gurudev came to New York City and established the first Integral Yoga Institute. He is the author of Modern Yoga Handbook. Vijay is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and currently works for a Telehealth Company, as well as having a private practice. Vijay maintains contact with his gurubais and continues to actively work for the continued promotion and dissemination of Sri Gurudev’s teachings.

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