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$40 – Early bird expires 8/30/2020

$45 – Regular price

Please register in advance, a zoom link will be provided via confirmation email.

Yoga Therapy Clinic presents: Navigating Stressful Times for School Age Children and their Families through Yoga, Breathing and Somatic Movement Activities with Shawnee Thornton Hardy

This workshop will offer tools for parents, educators, therapists and anyone who works with children and youth to help them navigate the stressful times we are currently facing. We are experiencing a global trauma that is significantly impacting the mental and emotional states of children. It is not unexpected as parents or adults who work with school age children to be seeing an increase in agitation, frustration, anger, fear, sadness and anxiety as they try to make sense of changes in their daily routines and disconnection from their peers, families, teachers and other important adults in their lives. We will discuss the impact stress can have on a child’s nervous system, how this impacts their mood, behavior and learning and how we as adults can be the co-regulators and offer tools to support children with connecting to their bodies, sensations and emotions in order to express their emotions in a healthy way, self-regulate and build resilience and capacity on their nervous systems.

Continuing Education: 2 hours with Yoga Alliance. Certificate given upon request from the teacher directly.

Shawnee Thornton Hardy is a Certified Yoga Therapist, M.Ed, Educational/Behavioral Specialist, Intermediate Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and the Founder of Asanas for Autism and Special Needs and Founder/Director of Yoga Therapy for Youth. She has worked with children and youth of diverse abilities and backgrounds for over 20 years. She authored Asanas for Autism and Special Needs – Yoga to Help Children with their Emotions, Self-Regulation and Body-Awareness and is the creator of the C.A.L.M.M Yoga Toolkit, a yoga and mindfulness curriculum designed to support children’s diverse sensory, communication, emotional, physical and learning needs. Shawnee leads workshops and trainings throughout the US and Internationally on Yoga and Mindfulness for Children and Youth with an Emphasis on Making Yoga and Mindfulness Inclusive and Accessible to Children of Diverse Needs and Backgrounds. She is passionate about supporting youth with developing self-regulation skills and building resilience. asanasforautismandspecialneeds.com

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