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Join Diana Meltsner, e-RYT 500, C-IAYT for exploration of meditation and how supporting practices like breathing, centering, setting intentions, prayer and use of sacred mantras can enrich and deepen your practice. Meditation can steady the mind and engage the heart.

Swami Satchidananda often spoke of learning to tune our internal radio to Divine wavelength and invite Peace into our awareness. It is our choice to connect with Peace and Light and share this Light with the world by simply opening up to it rather than retracting ourselves into tight corners of “me”. We can be free from the old prickly prison of same old thoughts. We are all interconnected and meditation allows us to join our collective consciousness and find relief from being lost in story or “me”.

This is an opportunity to ask questions about meditation practices. Some meditation experience is welcome, there will be a short practice included.

Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT and e-RYT 500, has been teaching yoga in the Bay Area since 2001. Diana has been a lead teacher trainer for 200-hour Integral Yoga Teacher Trainings since 2012. The classes she teaches include chair/gentle, various levels of Hatha yoga, prenatal, guided mindfulness meditations, and various yoga, pranayama and meditation workshops. She’s been working as a health educator and yoga instructor for Kaiser Permanente since 2014.
She is C-IAYT certified yoga therapist and San Francisco center manager for the Integral Yoga Therapy 800-hour certification program. Diana offers individual therapeutic sessions with focus on physical and mental wellness. Her offerings help people to find a deeper sense of well-being and ability to move through life with increased ease, intuition, and stress resilience.

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