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Not only does sauerkraut provide probiotics and vitamin K2, it also helps improve digestion and strengthens the immune system. In this one-hour workshop, we will show you how easy it is to make sauerkraut in the comfort of your own kitchen. We’ll begin with a little demo, while you follow and participate in your own process. After the workshop, you’ll have at home a jar of sauerkraut to ferment.
What to have ready:

· an empty 1-quart wide-mouth mason jar (shown in picture)
· apron
· a pair of latex gloves if you don’t want to touch the sauerkraut with your bare hands
· one cabbage
· a handle of dill
· 3″ ginger
· 3T dill and caraway seeds
· 1T kosher or gray salt
· 1 sharp knife
· 1 large cutting board
· 1 extra large bowl


BIO: Pearl Bindu Chaozon Bauer
My name is Pearl Bindu Bauer and I’ve been practicing yoga for over 15 years, teaching for 7. The literal meaning of yoga is “union” and what I love about yoga is how it helps me find alignment in my body/mind/spirit and physical/emotional connections. While meditating helps me stay calm, the asana practice on the mat helps me come into my body – so the balance between the two is key for my daily practice. In my Hatha 2 classes, I often incorporate an intentional practice – for example, I do a series on the Yamas and a series on the Niyamas so we meditate on principles of yoga while practicing mantras and asanas on the mat. I am also trained in yoga therapy which finds ways of how the practice of yoga can help with the understanding of common illnesses and conditions so people who are undergoing physical and emotional trauma can live a more easeful existence. While stretching and strengthening the physical body are a big part of the yoga practice, we also focus on deep relaxation, breath work and meditation as practices that are equally important to our well being.

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