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$40 Regular
$35 Early bird, ends May 9th

Yoga Therapy Clinic presents:

Most people with knee issues can benefit from more understanding of the causes and learn to target their yoga to strengthen the supporting muscles. You can increase stability and maintain essential
mobility with this understanding and application of the correct techniques.
We will explore fundamental stretches and strengthening postures for the knees in this workshop and
receive a short written practice to do at home to continue this work.
Keep on walking and doing all the things you love to do by cultivating happy knees.

Attendees can receive two hours of CE training which meet Yoga Alliance or IAYT standards.


Dawn Summers has been teaching yoga since 1985 and is a certified Yoga Therapist in the Viniyoga tradition. She has also trained yoga teachers and yoga therapists.
Dawn has considerable experience working therapeutically with individual students to develop an appropriate yoga practice. She also has trained yoga and aerobics instructors, and is most grateful to her teachers – Swami Satchidananda (1985 IYI certification) and Swami Asokananda (Advanced IYI Certification); Gary Kraftsow (certified 1992, 2000), T.K.V. Desikachar (1994, Chennai India). She has assisted with training yoga teachers at Yogaville and was Teacher Training Coordinator for American Viniyoga Institute (AVI). She has also been a Senior Faculty training yoga therapists with AVI. She teaches in San Francisco and Pacifica.

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