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Please join our special guest David Doyle, a Qi Gong master and yogi, in the exploration of meditation and spiritual practice leading to awakening.
Stillness in Meditation & Practice.
In this workshop an in-depth review of meditation will be offered, the often misunderstood concept of Stillness, the subtle mechanics of meditation, and practice tips for an awakening life. Includes a guided meditation practice.This workshop is suitable for complete beginners and very advanced practitioners alike.


About David Doyle

At the age of 17 David embarked on the study of eastern teachings and soon found the Way of traditional Yoga. His practice began initially in Hatha Yoga and then moved to Raja Yoga. His practice inclined toward long meditation (sometimes 18 hours in a single sitting) and opened many siddhis and extraordinary experiences, however these were not goals; they were merely byproducts along the Way. In the 50+ years hence, his practice has taken many forms, though Yoga never left him.
In 2012, during many months of sustained inner work and 3-6+ hour meditations in the evening and early morning hours, the seeker fell away. In the following years of abiding Awakening a great deal of astonishing changes have continued on a daily basis. The unfolding has not ceased though a settling has taken place.
For quite some time words did not come easily and teaching had not yet come – it is only now emerging. David enjoys speaking about the basics of Practice on ‘The Way’, the foundation of all deeper transformation. David is also a Qi Gong Master, teacher, and Deputy Director of the US Regional Department of Shaolin Fohanmen. Monkwithfamily.org, Shaolinmaster.org



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