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Online | $30

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Free for IYTA Members (email membership@iyta.org for your member discount code).

Sometimes, I search for the meaning of life in everyday awareness which includes the heavy, dark and horrific elements to the elegant, geometric and playful expressions. Other times, I search for meaning from sacred texts, meditation practice and writing or through my easeful or challenging relationships with family, friends and strangers. It has become clear to me that the things that feel out of alignment, misunderstood, miscommunicated, often become teachers for that part of us that recognizes the common desire for happiness and Peace.

And for some reason, there is the natural tendency to act and behave in ways that take us far away from that process of contemplation. Whether the broad understanding of karma, the deeply explored dimensions of trauma, or the simple acceptance of life’s rhythm of joys and sorrows, a complete Yoga practice can help us sense that place of highest, personal alignment.

The body naturally searches to align in such a way so that it can recognize what part is connected to the ground and what part is reaching upwards towards the sky.

Our body’s conversation with gravity and finding our physical balance can be a starting point for understanding alignment as a life practice. What feels off-center to us? What part of us reacts and tries to adjust things back to a comfortable center? How deeply do we understand our center versus how stubbornly do we hold onto a habitual posture in our body/mind. How often do we allow for pause and rest, reflection and creativity as medicine for our ever-conflicting, ever-fluctuating world?

Join Mukunda for this workshop that will be part lecture on Yoga philosophy, gentle movement, meditation and conversation.

All are welcome. No previous experience in Yoga is required.

Continuing Education Credit: Yoga Alliance (YA), 1 contact hour. You can input your contact hours using your YA login information.

***This event will be translated, live, into multiple languages***


Marc Mukunda Morozumi, ERYT 500, CMT, Lead IYI Teacher Trainer, began practicing Ashtanga yoga in 2001 while a full-time modern dancer with Joe Goode Performance Group in SF, CA. Due to injury, Mukunda retired from his 12 year dance career in 2004 and entered the events industry from 2004-2016. A 2-month personal trip to India in 2007 paved the way for landing in Yogaville in 2009 for his first teacher training with Swami Divyananda and staff. One month after returning from graduation, Mukunda began teaching a Saturday morning class at the SF IYI which he maintained for over 10 years. Mukunda has co-led Integral Yoga retreats since 2011 and has staffed or co-led Basic Teacher Trainings since 2013. He has opened and managed small group yoga studios in SF since 2017 and in early 2020, he opened and then reformed a yoga center post COVID-19: Mukunda Studio.

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