Seven Steps to Make “Go on a Diet” Resolutions Obsolete
by Deborah Kesten
What if you never again need to make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or “go on a diet” because your most-of-the-time way of eating empowers you to eat and weigh less throughout the year? The science-backed Whole Person Integrative Eating ® (WPIE) program by nutrition researcher Deborah Kesten, MPH—author of this article—and behavioral scientist Larry Scherwitz, PhD, reveals that replacing the complex reasons you overeat with the elements of our scientifically sound Whole Person Integrative Eating ® dietary lifestyle may up your odds of eating less and weighing less. Without dieting.
“If people follow the revolutionary [WPIE] program…it may be the most helpful step they can take toward losing weight and keeping it off,” says Kenneth Pelletier, MD, PhD, clinical professor of medicine at University of California School of Medicine, San Francisco.
The 7-Step, Action-Filled, WPIE Toolkit
Here are the seven what-and-how to eat ingredients of the Whole Person Integrative Eating ® program that can inspire you to re-envision your relationship with food, eating and weight, so that each time you eat, ‘all of you’ is nourished—physically, but also emotionally, spiritually, and socially.
What do the Mediterranean Diet and the Blue Zones diet of people who live into their 90s and 100s have in common? Plant-based foods (fruit, veggies, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds) with small (or no) servings of fresh, unprocessed animal-based foods (dairy, fish, poultry, meat) are the staples of both diets. The secret? The naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, fiber, antioxidants, and more, in plant-based foods help you stay slim and keep you and your microbiome (organisms that can protect against infection) balanced and healthy. Plant-based foods are the opposite of the WPIE Fast Foodism overeating style (lots of processed, high-fat, high-sugar, high-salt food products) that leads to overeating and overweight and an imbalanced microbiome.
If you turn to high-carb, high-fat, high-sugar food—especially when you experience negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, or anger—it’s likely you’re an emotional eater. Emotional Eating was the #1 WPIE overeating style that leads to overeating and overweight. The serotonin that’s released when you consume high-carb food products may be soothing for a while, but they don’t work for the long-term. Enjoying food when you’re filled with positive emotions (such as serenity, gratitude, hope) and you have a healthy appetite is the WPIE antidote to Emotional Eating.
Do you ever eat while doing other things, such as working at your computer, watching TV, or while driving? The WPIE Task Snacking overeating style leads to eating more and weighing more. The WPIE antidote: Bring moment-to-moment nonjudgmental awareness to every aspect of the meal. Research reveals that bringing a “mindfulness consciousness” to meals lessens overeating and the way in which food is metabolized, and in turn your health…and waistline.
For centuries, human beings said prayers of gratitude over food. And they blessed the food before them. Today, prayers of apprecciation for the nourishment food provides aren’t too typical. Instead, most of us have learned to relate to food with the WPIE Food Fretting overeating style, meaning, we are often over-concerned about the “best” way to eat. Or we diet, and count calories, carbs, or fat grams. The WPIE antidote to Food Freting asks that we go from our head to our heart when we eat: Appreciate food and its origins—from the heart. This calls for being “other aware,” meaning, focusing your attention of your food, while feeling authentic, heartfelt gratitude.
For millennia, Eastern healing systems, such as India’s Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), perceived optimal nourishment based on whether the meal contained the 6 tastes: bitter, sweet, salty, sour, pungent, astringent—which is not typical of how most of us have learned to relate to food today. The WPIE Sensory Disregard overeating style wasn’t expected. We were surprised to discover that not taking the time to enjoy the colors, flavors, and the sensory elements of the dining experience lead to eating more and weighing more. Tthe WPIE Rx for Sensory Disregard: Savor and “flavor” food with loving regard.
Both an emotional and aesthetic Unappetizing Atmosphere was another unexpected, surprising WPIE overeating style. This means that eating while, say, someone nearby is arguing; or you’re taking bites of your sandwich while pumping gas, the unpleasant emotional and surrounding environment may contribute to overeating and weight gain. The WPIE antidote: Eat in pleasing emotional and aesthetic surroundings.
Even before Covid and the ensuing lockdown lifestyle and social isolation, more and more of us were eating alone. The WPIE Solo Dining overeating style is quite a contrast to sitting around a fire while eating with our tribe; or enjoying fresh, homemade food with family and friends at a table. More and more research links eating alone with the Fast Foodism overeating style and obesity. The WPIE antidote: Share fare with others as often as possible. Given the work-at-home isolation that has become the norm for more and more of us, consider taking online food breaks or sharing virtual meals with friends, coworkers, or family members.
The Takeaway
By shedding light on the root causes of overeating, Whole Person Integrative Eating ® presents a program that empowers you with a personalized plan, and in turn new hope and new choices to help you reduce overeating, lose weight, and keep it off.
You’re invited to join Deborah for one or both of her upcoming workshops, online and in-person:
- Ancient Yogic Food Wisdom, Modern Science: The Dietary Lifestyle to Transform Weight and Well-Being on Saturday, January 11 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm PST
- Ancient Yogic Food Wisdom, Modern Science: Cultivate Mindfulness Eating to Nourish Body, Mind, and Soul on Saturday, February 8 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm PST

Deborah’s science-backed Whole Person Integrative Eating® program–which is a distillation of ancient food wisdom and modern nutritional science–is about the power of food to heal ‘all of you’: physically (Biological Nutrition), emotionally (Psychological Nutrition), spiritually (Spiritual Nutrition), and socially (Social Nutrition); ergo, ‘Whole Person’ Integrative Eating. Deborah is married to IYI certified yoga teacher and behavioral scientist Larry Scherwitz, PhD, co-founder of Whole Person Integrative Eating®. To learn more, visit IntegrativeEating.