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Please register in advance, a Zoom link will be provided via confirmation email. Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.We welcome a very special guest and longtime friend of Integral Yoga Swami Maruthachalam. Join us in his powerful, yet peaceful presence for this Friday’s extended 30-minute meditation session with added guidance and an inspirational talk. There will be time afterward for questions about meditation or any aspect of spiritual life.
Sri Swami Maruthachalam comes to us from Perur, a town close to Coimbatore India. He is the spiritual head of the Perur Ashram in South India. Swami Marutachalam’s guru, Sri Santalinga Ramaswamy Adigalar, was a lifelong friend of Sri Gurudev. Swami Maruthachalam first came to the United States to perform the Mahasamadhi ceremonies for Gurudev and has been back several times, winning the hearts of all he meets through his pure radiant spirit. To this day, Swamiji maintains a close relationship with Yogaville. Swami Maruthachalam works tirelessly to spread his love and uplifting teachings all over the globe, and we are fortunate to be able to share this time with him.