Wise to resolve, and patient to perform.” Homer

“Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.” –Helen Keller

“Resolve to be thyself: and know that he who finds himself, loses his misery.” –Matthew Arnold

“No matter what situation we find ourselves in, we can always set our compass to our highest intentions in the present moment.”
Jack Kornfield

Sankalpa – A Deeply Held Intention Aligned with One’s True Purpose

“Rod Stryker, founder of ParaYoga, explains that the chief architect of life is the mind. To create the life we are meant to live, we must draw the mind again and again to our dharma, our deepest intentions, and the qualities of the Divine within.

A sankalpa is a statement that does this for us. Stryker explains that kalpa means vow, or “the rule to be followed above all other rules.” San, he says, refers to a connection with the highest truth. Sankalpa, then, is a vow and commitment we make to support our highest truth. “By definition, a sankalpa should honor the deeper meaning of our life. A sankalpa speaks to the larger arc of our lives, our dharma—our overriding purpose for being here.” The sankalpa becomes a statement you can call upon to remind you of your true nature and guide your choices.”

Excerpted from an article “How to Create a Sankalpa”  by Kelly McGonigal