Krishna Das also reiterated that everyone goes through the same “shit” and through practice we can learn to understand that we’re all hurting in one way or another largely due to a yearning for love and acceptance. Whether he was doing kirtan at Google, San Quentin, or at Omega, he noted, in the end, we’re all people and we’re much the same.

At night, long and unbelievably uplifting kirtan sessions reminded me that there is something more and that the practice could “ripen” my heart if I stuck to it. At the end of the session, I felt my heart opening, my compassion building, and a feeling of calling out to the universe. It’s not something that’s easy to understand and I’m especially skeptical of such inexplicability but there is something there. From the tyrant to the yogi to every person and animal in between, something as simple as singing with a group could begin to open my heart to the world.”