Sunday Spiritual Talk: Swami Satchidananda’s Jayanthi

ONLINE with Swami Ramananda
Join us for this special event honoring the birthday of our spiritual teacher, Sri Swami Satchidananda. There will be a short talk on his life and teachings, and an opportunity to share how his teachings have touched our lives.

Christmas Carols Satsang

ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda, Snehan Born & Mirabai Warkulwiz
Celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ with Christmas Carols and a discussion of the deep meaning he shared through his words and example.

Kirtan with Prajna Brianna Vieira

IN-PERSON with Prajna Brianna Vieira
Kirtan is a form of Bhakti Yoga, singing the names of the Divine and a calling out of the soul for support, protection and guidance. No music experience is necessary.

New Moon Hanuman Chalisa

IN-PERSON with Snehan Born, E-RYT 500
Join Snehan for in-person chanting of the Hanuman Chalisa with harmonium. The Hanuman Chalisa is an ancient 40-line poem by Tulsidas extolling the many attributes and supernatural abilities of the Monkey God, Hanuman.

New Year’s Eve Program

ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda & Swami Vimalananda
The beginning of a New Year is a potent time to pause from our daily pursuits, reflect on our personal goals and send out heartfelt prayers for the spiritual upliftment of all beings.
The stillness of meditation allows us to enter the New Year charged with a natural sense of Oneness

Satsang: Setting an Intention for a New Year

ONLINE & IN-PERSON with Swami Ramananda
Come and explore; identify for ourselves the overall purpose we hold for this lifetime, and the way we want to carry ourselves through each day.

Alchemy of Sound & Silence with Manose

IN-PERSON with Manose
Join Manose, a world renowned musician for a night of chanting and flute music, an enchanting sound bath which creates a bridge between the East and the West.

21 – day Meditation Challenge

ONLINE Daily 7:15 – 8:00am, JAN 6-26 with Swami Ramananda, Claire Schneeberger & Diana Meltsner, C-IAYT, ERYT-500, YACEP
Develop, deepen or jumpstart your meditation practice with a 21-day meditation challenge. Meditation reduces stress, brings Self-knowledge and more. It becomes a mini-retreat where we connect with the inner calm, feeling whole and the contentment of simply being.

New Beginnings Writing Group

ONLINE with Susan Ford, C-IAYT
Together we will combine self-care with our writing and discover what a writing practice means to us and how it may take shape.

Kirtan with Acharya Mangalananda

IN-PERSON with Acharya Mangalananda
Experience chanting mantras and prayers; elements of the Bhakti Yoga path which leads to union with the Divine Consciousness. Chanting calms the nerves, purifies the emotions, heals the body and opens the heart.

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