Satsang: Wings for the Soul, Mystical Poetry Night
ONLINE with Susan Ford and Diana Meltsner
Join us for an evening of sharing words that reflect the voice of our souls. We will read and have discussions, awaken inspiration and peace in the heart.
ONLINE with Susan Ford and Diana Meltsner
Join us for an evening of sharing words that reflect the voice of our souls. We will read and have discussions, awaken inspiration and peace in the heart.
ONLINE with Prajna Piper
This ongoing group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month to explore and refine aspects of our meditation practices – how we sit, why we sit, and how that relates to our lives.
ONLINE with Swami Divyananda Ma
A puja (spiritual service) with participatory chanting will be performed. A short video of Sri Swami Satchidananda or talk may also be offered. This service will include our noon meditation.
ONLINE with Claudia Bartsch
Integral Yoga Therapy Clinic presents:
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy brings together the rich tradition of yoga and modern mind-body psychology. While usually offered in a one-on-one setting, this workshop will give you a taste of the Phoenix Rising Method.
ONLINE with Astrud Castillo
As a group we are inspired by the sacred sounds and love to sing in the key of “WE”. We share what is known as KIRTAN, a call and response of sacred sounds and mantras.
ONLINE with Swami Ramananda
In this second of a two part program, we will continue to explore our reactions to challenging situations that expose our conflicting feelings and unresolved emotions. You are welcome to attend part 2 even if you did not attend part 1.
ONLINE with Dawn Summers
You can increase stability and maintain essential
mobility with this understanding and application of the correct techniques.
Lotus LIVESTREAM with Astrud Castillo
Join Astrud and the Sangha at the Integral Yoga Institute where she will lead a virtual Kirtan Saturday May 30th from 7-8pm PST. Swami Ramananda and Swami Divyananda will speak a little on the importance of Sadhana and Bhakti practice.
ONLINE with Swami Vimalananda
This group offers an opportunity to remind ourselves who we truly are and to keep focused on what is important.
The format will include a short meditation, an opportunity for a personal check-in and the reading with discussion of ‘To Know Yourself, the Essential Teachings of Swami Satchidananda.
ONLINE with Swami Divyananda
Mantra repetition is acclaimed as the quickest and easiest pathway to Peace in today’s world.
The use of mantra taps in our spiritual resources and transforms our consciousness -- reliably. In this workshop we’ll explore the science of mantra and the techniques of mantra repetition.
ONLINE with Swami Divyananda
We gather once a month to chant the Gayatri Mantra, the great mantra of Light and Liberation, to maximize the spiritual benefits of the full moon.
ONLINE with Astrud Castillo
Join Astrud Castillo for a practical application of Bhakti Yoga - the yoga of devotion. We will discuss how to keep the heart illuminated in challenging times, keep the faith and the importance of connection.