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Join us for a special Birthday Brunch Potluck. Bring a vegan dish to share with others in the Backyard Garden! Ramananda will lead us in a special Hatha Yoga class – 9:30 – 10:45 am before his celebration.
In lieu of gifts, we ask that you donate to Ramananda’s GoFundMe page to help raise funds to support him in shifting his focus from daily administrative tasks to sharing Yogic wisdom to a broader community.
Donate: https://www.gofundme.com/swami-ramananda-yogic-wisdom

As a monk, Swami Ramananda has dedicated his life in selfless service to others. For nearly 50 years, he has served in so many ways worldwide, including teaching yoga and meditation classes, leading advanced teacher training programs, workshops and retreats, and offering spiritual guidance. He has held many roles through the years, serving as president of IYI New York for more than a decade before serving as president and executive director of IYI San Francisco since 2011.

We welcome your donations, any amount you can give large or small. Let’s help Swami Ramananda share the timeless teachings of Yoga and meditation with more people, so that everyone can live healthier, more meaningful and peaceful lives.

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