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The Yoga Scripture Study series is a weekly offering in which participants learn and discuss how the teachings of Yoga apply to our daily lives.

From September 14 to December 21, guest teacher Rev. Kamala Itzel Hayward will offer her commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali through the lens of social and racial justice and lead a discussion on how we can integrate these principles.

Each session will begin with a brief dharma talk that encourages participants to experience these teachings not only as tools for personal transformation but also as a vehicle for the collective Peace and Liberation of all beings. The sessions will include group discussion and conclude with a brief meditation and commitment to actively pursue the realization of the mantra that the entire Universe is filled with Peace and Joy, Love, and Light.

Students of all levels and experience are invited to participate in any one or all of the sessions. The only requirement is a willingness to engage in social justice work from a place of Love.


Rev. Kamala Itzel Hayward is a compassionate and fierce advocate for love. After serving as a public policy lawyer for 13 years, Itzel left her legal career and founded Attuned Living, a mindfulness and wellness organization that helps individuals heal the sense of separation they feel from others—or even from themselves. Her unique work—based on the teachings of yoga, mindfulness, and compassionate communication—ranges from promoting social justice work within organizations and communities to guiding individuals on their search for personal and professional fulfillment. Today, she holds retreats, classes, trainings, and private one-on-one sessions online, over the phone, and in person with people from all over the world. Her mission is to gently remind you of your individual wholeness and your interconnectedness with others and all of life. Learn more at www.attunedliving.com.


Sign up is available for all future classes:

September 21, 28
October 5, 12, 19, 26,
November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
December 7, 14, 21

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