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Sangha is a Sanskrit word that has historically been used by practicing Buddhists to denote those that are following the dharma. In Sanskrit Sangha means association, assembly , company or community.

This talk with focus on the spiritual connection that occurs within like minded seekers. We will talk about how Sangha develops and how they support spiritual practice and can promote inner healing.

We will talk about the history of our Integral Yoga / Satchidananda Sangha and the vibrancy of our San Francisco and world wide community.


David Vijay Hassin was the Founding Director of the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco and the first Yogaville West community. He was one of a core group of students of Sri Swami Satchidananda when Sri Gurudev came to New York City and established the first Integral Yoga Institute. He is the author of Modern Yoga Handbook. Vijay is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and currently works for a Telehealth Company, as well as having a private practice. Vijay maintains contact with his gurubais and continues to actively work for the continued promotion and dissemination of Sri Gurudev’s teachings.

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