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Chinnamasta will share her thoughts, how to weave uplifting relationships in your life. During these challenging times we need, more than ever, loyalty to Sangha. We need to reach out to support, especially those who are vulnerable, less fortunate, and forgotten. The yamas and niyamas are being reevaluated on a global level and as yogi’s we have the moral obligation to abide by these ethics. To move from separation to appreciation and respect for diversity. How do you put that in practice in your everyday life?

You could ask ourselves if the way you relate to another leads to a deeper understanding of yourself and the other. Does your attitude lead to connection and a desire on both ends to be together. Does the connection create communion?


Chinnamasta Stiles
The essence of Chinnamasta is her heart-felt and loving presence attained during many years of deep study and practice with gifted Master Teachers in Europe, India and the U.S. While sitting next to these teachers, she received abundant blessings that led to the healing of her Self, blessings she now shares with others. Chinnamasta’s true gift is that she has the capacity to assess the root cause of a disease due to physical, emotional, mental or karmic imbalances and understand how these lead to health issues and deep suffering. With a loving and understanding attitude she helps students become proactive on their spiritual healing path, which leads to a deeply rooted connection to the Yoni Mudra (the Inner Source), resulting in long-term restored vitality and well being.


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