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IN-PERSON | $29 | Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Listen to what the body has to say while it is in a deep rest.

Learn how resting in 4 -6 restorative yoga poses can begin or continue to heal and enhance your life.

In this workshop, we will use restorative poses to identify and balance some life experiences that need a little extra tender loving care. You will have the opportunity to connect and listen to what your body is communicating to you by:

  • Practicing a restorative yoga pose
  • Meditating
  • Writing responses to journal prompts
  • Honoring what the next most loving and safe action step is. What action step might you take in your practice to improve the present moment.

By the end of this workshop, you will have more insight into the power of restorative poses and how to interact with them.

All levels are welcome. No prerequisites.

Saeeda Hafiz is a yoga teacher, author, and wellness expert with certifications from the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, the Natural Gourmet Institute. She is also a graduate of Temple University. As a holistic health educator with the San Francisco Unified School District, she focuses on sharing her knowledge of physical and mental wellness with diverse groups. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has appeared on various podcasts, radio, and television programs and has been featured in several national and regional publications. Her public speaking engagements have educated the public in yoga, holistic nutrition, and healthy living from coast to coast. saeedahafiz.com



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