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In-person | Saturday & Sunday SEP 14 & 15 • 9 am – 12:30 pm & 1:30 – 5 pm

$365 Early bird, use promo code REIKI, exp. 9/7

$425 regular

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan, based on revitalizing the “life force energy” that flows through us and causes us to be alive; if one’s “life force energy” is low or obstructed, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high and flows freely, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing, as well as grounding, balance and confidence. Though Reiki is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion and has no dogma, and can serve as a complement to yoga or other spiritual or wellness practices.

This 2-day intensive training includes the full curriculum for Reiki 1 & 2 as taught by the International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT), as well as supplemental information for yoga practitioners and teachers, and exercises to connect with your own unique gifts and inspiration as a healer. This includes learning to give reiki to yourself and others, and information on how to set up a reiki practice or integrate reiki into other offerings such as yoga classes. The training includes lecture, discussion and practice and is limited to only 8 participants to assure personalized instruction. We sincerely apologize this is not a wheelchair accessible building – accessing classrooms requires climbing several flights stairs.

Upon completion, participants will receive a Reiki I & II certificate under the International Center for Reiki Training, and be qualified to enroll in Reiki Master training with the ICRT (after 6 months of reiki II practice.)

The ICRT Reiki I & II curriculum includes:

  • Discussion on history of reiki, its evolution and variations including traditional Usui reiki, Takata methods, and the new “Holy Fire” reiki
  • Empowerment to receive and transmit reiki energy
  • Training on how to give a complete Reiki session for self and others, which includes training on clearing one’s energy field and the standard Reiki session hand positions
  • Other specialized techniques, including Japanese techniques for using intuition to detect where reiki is needed, how to use Reiki I & II symbols, and how to send distant healing
  • Information and discussion on practicalities of how to start a reiki practice, including setting up a space, equipment, insurance, and marketing
  • 190-page class manual
  • Certificate
  • Qualification to enroll in Reiki Master training with any authorized ICRT teacher (after six months of Reiki II practice)

Supplemental curriculum includes:

  • Discussion on how Reiki can relate to the yogic system, and how reiki might be integrated into or alongside yoga practice, yoga teaching or yoga therapy.
  • Practice giving reiki to clients in varied settings, including using a massage table, a chair, and a yoga mat.
  • Exercises to identify your intuitive style, and how to develop it for healing.
  • Practice on how to connect with your client, at an interpersonal as well as intuitive level.
  • Guided meditation and journaling to connect with your personal inspiration and journey as a healer.
  • Discussion on caring for yourself and how to give Reiki in a healthy, sustainable, and ethical way.
  • Based on time and interest: Short overview of other energy healing modalities and traditions; resources on scientific research on Reiki and other energy healing; guided meditation to meet your higher self and/or your Reiki or healing “guides”.

Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing that everyone can use. While there are no guarantees for a specific result, there are many reports of Reiki helping a wide variety of illnesses and maladies. Reiki can also work in conjunction with other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.

You can learn the essentials Reiki for self healing by attending Reiki for Self-Healing workshop with Aryahi on Saturday, June 8 @ 1:00 – 4:00 pm PT.  Learn more.

Aryahi is an intuitive energy healer specializing in Reiki, Inner Alignment, and other healing modalities. She was certified by the International Center for Reiki Training as a reiki master in Japanese (Usui) reiki in 2013, and in the new “Holy Fire” reiki in 2018. Aryahi completed the 200-hour yoga teacher training at Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco in 2019 and has served as a member of the staff. Aryahi also has training in other energy healing modalities including Inner Alignment, sound healing, and intuitive healing. Aryahi offers private healing sessions through the Yoga Therapy Clinic at Integral Yoga Institute in San Francisco, the Subud Center in Palo Alto, and at her Noe Valley studio, and teaches reiki, yoga and other workshops. As a healer, Aryahi intuitively sees the resplendent beauty in each soul, and supports each person to clear trauma, burdens and limitations to realign with her/his/their radiant self. As a teacher, she creates a nurturing environment where students can explore and grow, not just by learning technique, but also by connecting to their own unique gifts and joy. For more information on Aryahi see ashreyavi.com

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