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$15 and $20 | Free for veterans

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In the two Memorial Day workshops, we will reflect on the capacity of the heart to grieve our losses, to embrace the fragility of life and to deepen our connection to the source of courage and compassion within.
Astrud will offer a brief talk, lead us in a heart opening responsive chanting and multi-level Hatha Yoga class.

Astrud Castillo

Since 2012, Astrud has been leading her band the Cosmic Caravan locally, nationally and internationally. It is with faith in the power of sound, vibration and the Bhakti Yoga tradition that she has committed herself to uplift the spirit, awaken the heart and deepen relationships to oneself and others. She passionately guides communities in the ancient art of Kirtan – singing the names of the divine through call-and-response chanting.

Astrud shows up to sing wherever she is called with a desire to lead people closer to their hearts and their truest essence – LOVE – the heart of Bhakti Yoga. She leads Kirtans at yoga studios and festivals, in addition to teaching Bhakti Yoga workshops and teacher trainings.

The practice of constant surrender is what has transformed her and inspires her the most. Astrud’s chanting is rooted in Kirtan’s traditional style of simple devotional repetition, while including her own original arrangements. She calls on her own voice to express authentically and inspires all who join her to sing in the key of “WE”.

She has opened for Jai Uttal, as well as sung with Prema Hara, the Kirtaniyas, Radiance Kirtan, and Keith Borden.

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