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Online & In-Person | $90  or $75 early bird exp. 6/17/2023

Please register in advance, a Zoom link and passcode will be provided via confirmation email.

Please review our In-person Safety Guidelines. https://integralyogasf.org/attending-in-person

This daylong retreat will guide you through a simple yet elegant nondual approach to meditation as both a practice and a way of living life. It is designed to help you experience how all movements of your body, mind, and daily life can be pointers that continually reveal your underlying Essential Nature as dynamically ever-present, beautiful, still, and the essence of indestructible happiness, peace, and well-being, which often goes unrealized because of its simplicity. Living your Essential Nature enables you to experience yourself and everything as interconnected, not-separate, and always whole.

During this daylong retreat we will engage periods of meditation, BodySensing and BreathSensing Yoga, iRest Yoga Nidra, and periods of self-inquiry into the freedom to be who we truly are. This is an opportunity to nourish coming home to your deepest Essence and authentic aliveness where you can open the door to the unexpected—to delight, wonder, astonishment, and awe. The day celebrates meditation not as an achievement, but as your ever-present Essence in which you can experience your true home in the Mystery we call life.

We have 1 hour for lunch – please bring your food (only vegetarian food in the ashram, no eggs or meat). We will share this time together. Hot water for tea and selection of teas will be available. We do not provide a way to heat up or refrigerate your food, the kitchen will be closed.

10:30 – 12:00 pm
1:00 – 2:00 pm lunch break
1:00 – 4:00 pm


Richard C. Miller, PhD is a clinical psychologist, author, researcher, yogic scholar, and spiritual teacher who has devoted his life to integrating western psychology and neuroscience with the ancient nondual wisdom teachings of Yoga, Tantra, Advaita, Taoism,and Buddhism. Richard is the founder of iRest Institute, co-founder of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, and founding past president of the Institute for Spirituality
and Psychology.

Author of iRest Meditation: Restorative Practices for Health, Healing and Well Being, Yoga Nidra, The iRest Meditative Practice for Deep Relaxation and Healing, and The iRest Program for Healing PTSD, Richard serves as a research consultant studying the nondual somatic-based meditation protocol he’s developed–iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation–researching its efficacy on health, healing, and well-being with diverse populations that include veterans, women rescued from human trafficking, youth, the homeless, and the incarcerated with issues such as sleep, PTSD, pain and chemical dependency, as well as research on iRest’s efficacy for enhancing resiliency and well-being. Grounded in 35+ research studies, the US Army Surgeon General and the Defense Centers of Excellence have recognized iRest as a Complimentary Program for healing chronic pain and PTSD and restoring resiliency and well-being. Richard leads international trainings and meditation retreats on the integration of enlightened living into daily life. www.iRest.org.

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