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Mindfulness and Aging

Aging can be experienced in many ways. It can be focused on loss and illness, diminishing prowess, or dependency. It also can be seen and worked with as a time of growth and as a spiritual gift. It can be a time of out pouring, creativity, generosity and generativity, It can encompass a cultivation of simplicity, compassion, peace and learning to let go with poise and grace.

Mindfulness is a practice that is broad and deep and its gifts can be applied to shaping an experience of a satisfying aging process.

This four week course will be shaped around learning to practice mindfulness deeply associated with the cultivation of the Brahman Viharas, acceptance (balance and equipoise), compassion, kindness and my personal favorite “mudita”, joy amusement, wonder, awe, marvel, astonishment…and on and on.

Mindfulness and Aging will be primarily experiential with exposure to foundation practices but also specific ways to identify and cultivate specific tools and ways of working with the Brahman Viharas both on and off the cushion.

Mindfulness Meditation and Aging 4-week series is 4 Wednesdays:

October 6, 13, 20, 27 ⋅ 4:00 – 6:00pm PT

Rich Panico is an artist, yogi and physician known for his humor and clarity in teaching. He has practiced meditation and yoga since 1970 and began teaching mindfulness woven into pottery making classes in the late 70’s.
Rich has taught mindfulness formally in medical, academic and art related settings for over 20 years. He was a pioneer in the use of mindfulness-based treatment in the adaptation to and treatment of chronic disease. Mindfulness occupied a central therapeutic role in his professional offering as a physician.

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