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Online | $20-35, sliding scale

Please register in advance, a Zoom link will be provided via email.


The cusp of the new year can be a portal for setting seeds and for blossom, for intention and for connection with sacred experience. This guided meditation will invite clarification, renewal, and healing. We will turn inward, attending to our own wellbeing, and we will turn outward, offering our loving support to all of life. A loving container with time for discussion if wished.

Kristie Dahlia Home has been devoted to the sharing of spiritual arts since 1995. With training in Instinctive Meditation, Yoga, Thai Massage, Reiki, Intuitive Healing, and Chi Nei Tsang. Dahlia has served as a Yoga Therapist at the UCSF School of Nursing, Dr. Dean Ornish’s Preventive Medicine Research Institute, and at UCSF’s Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, where her work included both public classes and medical research. She has taught Reiki for CPMC’s Institute for Health and Healing and Thai Massage at Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Her students say that they appreciate her warmth, precision, contagious love of life, and keen attention to the unique needs of each individual. She has recently returned to life on land after five years at sea and looks forward to sharing practice with the IYI sangha once again. For more information, visit beloved.org


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