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Join Snehan Born for an ‘open mic’ community kirtan. We will share and take turns in leading call and response chanting. You are welcome to participate in leading or join in with your voice for responding only. No music experience is necessary.

Kirtan is the Yoga practice of chanting Sanskrit mantras, sacred sound formulas that create a peaceful and uplifting vibration. Singing these holy mantras together calms the thinking mind, illuminates the heart and awakens the spiritual consciousness within. Kirtan is a form of Bhakti Yoga, singing the names of the Divine and a calling out of the soul for support, protection and guidance.

Snehan Born, E-RYT 500, has over four decades of experience with yoga. He resides at the Integral Yoga Institute of San Francisco, where he teaches yoga classes and is a lead teacher trainer. Snehan is certified in all levels of Integral Yoga Hatha and has received additional certifications in Pranayama, Meditation, Raja Yoga and Stress Management from Integral Yoga. Chanting mantras and playing the harmonium are part of his regular practice and classes. Snehan has lived and traveled extensively within India and practiced with many teachers there. He has taught yoga all over the US as well as in India, Nepal, South America, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Japan and Europe.

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