Ever since the polarization we witnessed during the Senate hearings on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, I have been thinking about how a Yogi should respond to the divisive culture we dwell in here.  Then the newest report on the imminent dangers of climate change came out and again provoked reflections — how do I respond to this?
There’s no one answer, but I think it is the responsibility of all of us who are capable of rising above the “us vs them” mentality to do what we can to take action toward healing our planet and our communities…..to be emissaries of peace and compassion instead sustaining divisions….to reach out to those in need….to vote….to pray….to make a daily effort to awaken fully to our oneness and bring that truth into our conversations and our choices.
In conversation, I found others searching their hearts in much the same ways.  Some friends found some very meaningful actions to take by searching a little on-line.  There are so many sources of information out there — I encourage you to form your own vision of ways to make a difference, instead of falling into hopelessness or apathy.
If you’d like to discuss these issues with sangha, join me at the Satsang that I will lead here on Saturday, November 3 at 6pm.
Ommm, Ramananda