How does one embrace the teaching of simplicity when there’s so much that needs to be done in one’s lifetime? This word, “simplify”, while easy on the eyes, may trigger heavy emotions for some. How can I live more simply, especially living in a city like San Francisco? The abundance of choice that this city offers can be stressful. Sometimes choice comes with a feeling or a need to look outside for comfort. When we pay for that comfort, the need to work more can increase in order for us to afford this outside relief and then we may need to seek additional comfort from even more stress…..and the cycle continue.
     The instant gratification that our culture promotes is not easy to avoid. How we spend our time and money can be overwhelming. Yet when coming back to the practices of yoga, which I’ve always found to be a refuge, whether it be a short meditation, an asana or two, or preparing a simple meal, the challenges of life seem to fall into place. As we practice simplicity the distractions and the complications of the outer world start to clear away. With the simple act of taking care of the body and mind a little at a time, the inner guide, *the true self” emerges and has more voice, thus allowing us to focus on what really matters.